Whenever i am conversing with someone i tend to react more than reply. What i mean by this is i fixate on their facial expressions and body language. And sort of assess how the conversation and vibes are going. Thus reacting, but i may overthink too much.

It makes me self conscious.

For example today at the gym this nice old gentleman helped me on a lift today. Just giving me a little tip. We spoke for a little and I received a few smiles and good energy. He told me to ask for help if I ever need it. As i had to go and say my goodbye, he sort of said bye stoically and expressionlessly i guess? And i took it personally. And revaluated if i did something wrong.

I give too much attention to every single minute detail. And become self conscious. Did i do something wrong? Perhaps my breath was bad? I’m not sure.

Is this overthinking? Is this a good approach to fixate on facial expressions and body language? I’m too self conscious.

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