Do y’all enjoy it any more/less than regular sex? (Assuming it’s a loving long time partner)

  1. Not good. I don’t know anything more disgusting than the smell of sperm and period blood. Makes me puke

  2. My periods are painful as is. Besides, I’m not into the whole sex thing. I find it disgusting.

  3. It appears I’m the minority, big fan. Often quite messy, but that too is very changeable every experience. For me I’m much more sensitive and the feeling off ‘fullness’ during POV is much more intense. Pressure is my friend when it comes to orgasming.

  4. Smell and cleanup: not a fan

    Amazing orgasms and less period cramps for the next 30 minutes after + a good ol orgasm high: very much a fan

    Vibrators can also be used during and oh boy, good stuff, easily cleaned.

    My partner also likes how easier it is to maintain lubrication lmao

  5. About as good as regular sex but you can’t stop thinking about how messy it is and being self conscious so it ruins it

  6. 💯 nothing hotter than a man who isn’t afraid to get into it during that time. Also, for some reason I find I often have a spike in libido then 🤷‍♀️
    Also why does it have to be a longtime partner?


    Does NOT feel good, it hurts like hell and is messy as fuck, NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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