Hello! Im not sure if this is the right place to post this, but i just felt that i had to write it somewhere.. as a pretty shy girl I’ve never really had much interaction with other guys out there. Ultimatly i do have pretty limited dating/relationship experience

But recently, while still being confused I’ve put 2 and 2 together and realised what makes my heart melt, I guess as someone who has a love language that is words of affirmation, it makes sense that it’s from the words used and the way they speak to me. It all came specifically from them asking me “are you OK?” In a really soft voice. I’m not very sure why it has such an effect on me but I guess that’s a step forward

I’ve had this experience with 3 different guys thus far over 2 years, the first guy was a close friend (and a crush but ill keep that myself because hes in a relationship and ill never do anything to come between them), the 2nd and 3rd were more of acquaintances but after hearing that from them I did develop some sort of liking towards them as well

As weird as it seems, I honestly don’t know if it’s because this makes me feel vulnerable and protected, or if I’m just too used to putting up a strong front that I melt at words like this regardless of who the person is

Then again, I can’t possibly be falling for anyone that shows a hint of concern for me. right? Hahaha

Sorry for the rambling! But if anyone can provide some insight into this, it would be greatly appreciated

TLDR: I realised that I tend to fall for people who show a geniune concern and softness for me. Is this normal?

  1. why would this be abnormal? you like people who are nice to you? sounds like the most normal thing on earth

  2. I think this is pretty positive and normal to an extent, i fall for pretty much any guy who treats me gently and is sweet to me and that leads to pretty good relationships

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