I’m curious, have you ever wished for a message or a phonecall from a future version of yourself telling you that it’s okay?
I (27M) have. I don’t know how some of you guys have made it through to where you are, but I’m at a point where I feel like I’m doing a ton of hard work that goes nowhere.

I guess maybe I feel like there’s little hope for better. It’s just so much I feel I have to do/be and I’m already so fucking tired…

I know I’m mostly having a shit day, but I just feel tired and like I’m not moving at all

  1. It doesn’t necessarily get better, but it gets different. You also get better at handling whatever’s thrown at you. Then the stuff that gets you down changes and the process repeats. It’s not a unique experience in that no one else feels the way you do, but the why tends to be unique.

  2. Life ebbs and flows. I don’t think that ever changes. Sometimes opportunities present themselves and you gotta know when to take advantage of these moments

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