I have often noticed this in all social circles I’ve been in. I see needs that need to be met and I try to be helpful and do things for others. I make them feel like they belong and validated. But I really crave for that same reciprocity towards me. Even with my family. I always give, but hardly a recipient.


  1. Because people are selfish most of the time. I’m the guy that usually helps people and once people see you are like that, they will quickly take advantage of it. Generally speaking, anyway.

  2. The givers curse….I’m a giver too that’s how we express ourselves, it’s our love language. But givers have to be the most cautious people on earth, givers are the most targeted people. The second you don’t feel the reciprocation never do that a person a favor ever again. Also try not to lead with favors, that puts a huge target on your back

  3. They don’t want to do things they hate, would make them feel negative or squanders their needs. They might not have the resources.

    If it’s between not eating only potatoes for a week and buying you something you want. They will prioritise not eating only potatoes for the week.

    If they are going to do a thing they hate because you want to do it. Then the hate will seep in and they will turn the mood down.

    There is a saying “don’t pour from an empty cup”. You need to have your needs met before tou can give to others.

    Also, as another said, maybe giving is your love language but not theirs.

    >I see needs that need to be met and I try to be helpful and do things for others.

    But is it the things they want to get? If you help without asking beforehand you might actually insult them. Like someone wants to do something on their own and you go and do it for them without being asked, thus making them feel like you doubt that they can di the thing by themselves.

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