Been trying to join some discord servers to make new friends, but most of them are just unbelievably cliquey or obnoxious or weird. I joined voice chat in one server and there was some girl making annoying, obnoxious fake sex noises for satire I guess. I was honestly confused on what was going on and it was really weird. There was one guy named “cama” and there were a bunch of other usernames like “cama’s slut” or “cama’s cumdump”. No idea who cama was or what made them so special but yeah. In voice chat, someone in text chat kept typing things like “say ‘moss'” or “say ‘girl'” directed to this one guy, and then the guy would say it in a completely normal voice and everyone would lose their shit and start dying laughing for some reason? Most discord servers I join are just very bizarre and cliquey like this. I usually just get talked over, ignored, or made fun of if I try to have a normal conversation with someone.

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