Women who hated their wedding, how did you get over it?

  1. got divorced…. so the next one will be a fresh start lmao

    really though…. it wasnt what i had envisioned, a lot of things didnt go right. I would consider that as a learning curve so the next one I have a better idea of getting the wedding i want.

  2. Pick your favourite picture and make it big hang it up. Rewrite your story, concentrate only on the positives, my dress was beautiful, my hair looked amazing, the cake tasted great.

  3. I got married a few months ago, and I had a wonderful time. However, there were some letdowns that I’ve been working on getting over. I had a small wedding and invited about 15 friends. The rest were family. Two friends showed up, and the rest either no-showed or texted me the day-of that they couldn’t make it. That was pretty hurtful tbh. We also just didn’t have a ton of money so it wasn’t decorated as much as I wanted. I didn’t have everything I wanted to have either. Things like favors, a Photo Booth, and other little things to make it special.

    Honestly, I’m trying to keep the viewpoint that we did the best we could with what we had. We aren’t wealthy, so most of the things I wanted to do were just way out of our budget. Maybe in the future we can have a vow renewal that has everything we want.

    And as far as my friends- these were people that begged me to come, and were almost more excited than I was about the wedding. Then none of them show. It really hurt my feelings, and I’m forgiving them but I’m not forgetting. Most of them had excuses (one had the flu and a few had life events that prevented them from coming), but the ones that RSVP’d yes and didn’t show or call- I’m allowing myself to let them go. They haven’t reached out to me about it, and I’m not gonna reach out to them.

    Overall my wedding was beautiful. The venue was gorgeous, the food was fantastic, and I got to marry the best guy I have ever met. There were some disappointments, but our happiness and joy overwhelmed those mishaps.

  4. My wedding was great, if you were my mother. It wasn’t “me” by a long shot. I left the husband after a while anyway. Weddings are not worth it IMO.

  5. I try to just think about my honeymoon, which was so much fun. I can hardly look at my wedding photos, partially for the things that didn’t go the way i wanted them to, and partially because I had gained a lot of weight in the previous years and was not able to lose it all before the big day. There were a lot of disappointments with the wedding itself, but the end result was being married to a great guy.

  6. We had a wedding because my husband wanted one but I hated the whole process. Complicated family dynamics, costs, and the stress of planning made me miserable and unable to “enjoy” the experience. I went through with it because it was important to him and that’s how I dealt with it.

    I’ll never do it again though. Once was more than enough.

  7. I just left that memory in the past. There’s no point in ruminating about all the things wrong with the wedding. I love my husband but I don’t like thinking about our wedding at all

  8. My wedding day was stressful and not great. Long story. The pastor’s sermon was so insulting my husband had a death grip on my hand because he was afraid I was going to walk out in the middle of the sermon.

    This is how I got over it- I’d rather have a crappy wedding day than an unhappy marriage. If I had a choice between the two- I will take the happy marriage.

    My parents had a wonderful wedding day and a miserable marriage. The perspective is helpful.

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