I notice that now in days, a lot of men expect women to have sex with them on the first date. And when the women refuses they’re ask to pay for their own meal. Seriously, what kind of woman do you take them for when you expect sex out of them at such an early stage of dating? I’m curious.

  1. Women, why do you expect males to pay for the first date? ( and usually any date after that)

  2. lol reddit never dissappoints im telling ya. men pay for the first date. period. only boys expect sex in return. if it goes that way it goes that way. if it doesnt it doesnt.

  3. Men don’t. Why did the men you went out with think they could get away with this behavior? Most likely they’re pretty popular with women and have lots of options. They either get what they want or quickly move on to the next woman with minimal expenses.

  4. I pay for the date,I don’t expect anything from a first date.
    After the second date,and it goes well,I do have 1 expectation.That you reciprocate and plan and pay for the third date!

  5. I know a girl who literally goes on dates just to get free food at expensive restaurants.. She has zero intention of dating. And acts like an escort but no sex.. well, maybe if they buy her a cartier bracelet, lol

  6. I think you should pay 50/50 regardless, sex should be when both people feel ready whether that’s the first date or the 50th date or in my case sometimes sex is the date lol

  7. Wtf. Date men, not little boys!! 🤦‍♂️ to even expect sex first date is insulting to your date

  8. For the same fucked up y’all expect us

    1. To pick you up from your place.
    2. Plan the date far ahead.
    3. Keep you entertained the whole date.
    4. Give you our sweaters when it’s cold.
    5. Make the decision on what, where WE are going to eat
    6. Drive you back to your place.
    7. Pay for the whole date.
    8. Not to choose a chain restaurants so that you won’t get offended and upload the whole thing on tiktok/insta.

    After all this we’re expected to not expect any kind of intimacy.

    > Seriously, what kind of woman do you take them for when you expect sex out of them at such an early stage of dating? I’m curious.

    Question for you,

    Do you make men you find sexually attractive / arousing wait any longer for sex ??

  9. I don’t expect sex on the first date but if it happens I will not turn it down. The last first date I went on it ended up becoming a make out session that turned into sex before the date. I didn’t expect it but I believe I’m not compatible with any woman that keeps to the belief that you need to wait for x amount of dates to have sex. I agree wait until you’re ready but you can be ready on the first date theres no such thing as too soon.

  10. Just think form guy’s perspective, after having had 5 dates with 5 different women, all telling him after that they can’t anymore, what do you expect him to do on the 6 the date

  11. I would never sleep with someone on the first date unless it was a planned hookup. Usually at 3 I will have the talk about sex and boundaries and after the date we share tests. Then from that point there is no pressure or obligation.

    Since the first date should be coffee or something light I don’t mind paying. I actually have never taken a woman on a third date if she hasn’t at least offered to pay half of the second date now that I think of it🤔.

    Either way I won’t be with someone who sees me as an entertainment bank account so it’s a deal breaker for me. Though in long term situations I offer to pay half of the lady tax (feminine products, toiletries and makeup) as I believe it makes the relationship fair.

  12. Because they don’t want to give you a free meal on the off chance you move on. Lots of women have abused men’s chivalrous nature by dating for free meals so they now expect something in return.

  13. I never expected anything from a woman on 1st date so if they want sex they’re going have to make the 1st move

  14. Wow. These posts always blow my mind.

    What about people who are slow to develop physical attraction?

    I don’t have a type or am I attracted to any particular qualities.

    How I feel sexually about someone is built on who they are and how I feel about them, not about how they try to make me feel. Paying for things does not speed up this process. In fact I prefer to pay my own way and drive myself to dates. And I like to ask questions and learn about you so I can see if I fancy you.

    Buuut my experience says that the dude has already made up his mind the second he lays eyes on you, it’s all about aesthetics. So he isn’t being himself, he’s just doing and saying what he thinks will get you into bed with him. And then so I don’t get to know the guy and I don’t develop a sexual attraction to him.

    So many dudes out there walking away from amazing women coz you have zero patience lol

  15. I think often times its actually seeing a commitment and that is via sex.
    As a guy you have to have a lot of dates cuz not every woman is attracted to you.
    If you have like 10 dates 100 bucks (Gas, date itself for 2ppl and other Stuff) each its wayyy too expensive.

    If you would have the same commitment via other means than sex I think it would not be this prevalent in dating culture.

    On the other side all the negatives of dating culture could be elimenated when woman would make the move. #strongindependantwoman #feminism #payforfirstdates lol
    But what do I know…

  16. I don’t expect sex on the first date, but I’m never going to complain when it happens. It’s been over 5 years for me since the last time I was touched by a woman, I want sex pretty bad tbh.

  17. Who are these men who are asking you for sex before the bill even comes? This sounds made up.

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