Girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me last week, we have a shared mortgage and two dogs.

Decided, fuck it,
used the money I was saving for an engagement/wedding and off I fucked to Jamaica.

Haven’t a clue what to say when I get back.
As I was leaving I opened the front door and said I’m off to the Caribbean, haven’t spoken to her since after I blocked her on socials.

Things haven’t been great since COVID and i never knew if I loved her. Turns out I do, immensely, I’m just a cold hearted bastard that cannot show or feel emotion until it’s too late.

What next? I leave next Monday and have no idea what I’ll be walking into when I return home.
There’s absolutely ZERO chance of making amend, she stated she doesn’t love me anymore and when we cuddle it’s like cuddling a friend (that hurt a LOT)
P.S having an incredible time here everyone’s so friendly, I would highly recommend!

  1. Shoulda taken your hot, blonde boss from corporate in New York with you. That way you coulda emailed shots of her to your coworkers who would inevitably send it to the entire company.

  2. What next? Work out new living arrangements and the legal stuff about what to do with the house. That’s about it.

    You are a single guy with a financial tie to an ex. Plenty of people go through this and treating it just like you would any financial transactions is the best.

    So just treat it as an exercise in logistics. Stay with the low/no contact and don’t bother trying to entertain the “let’s remain friends” crap. That stuff works in the movies but not in real life unless you have ties that bind you like kids, etc.

    If you like, just before you head home send her a message saying that when you get back you will both need to sit down and work out the details of the breakup and that you’ll speak to her when you return.

    And that’s it.

    In the meantime, enjoy yourself in Jamaica.

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