What’s a reoccurring thought you have at least once a week?

  1. I usually have a nagging thought about some project I’m putting off, or I worked on it and feel like I didn’t do enough.

  2. That it’s only X number of weeks until my wedding. Terror and excitement accompanies that thought.

  3. Better check my pockets to make sure I’ve still got everything I left home with

    Yup. Phew.

  4. I wish i’d have lived either earlier or later in time.

    I was born too late to explore the earth, and too early to explore the Galaxy.

    I’d likely be a menial working drone in both scenarios.
    But it’s still a recurring and enticing thought.

  5. Whenever I play with my daughter, or have a nice moment with my life, I think of the part of Roy’s monologue in Blade Runner

    >All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain…

  6. How great it would be if the third world war broke out and all the parasitic fuckers around me would lose everything.

  7. Definitely will at least once a week breathe a sigh of relief and thank god I was “smart” enough not to get married or have kids.

    This usually happens whenever I see a post on Reddit where some guy discovers he is getting cheated on or has had paternity fraud committed on them or the other side of the coin, some woman talking about how her husband has got a little dick and how she’s not attracted to him and how he’s boring. This is almost a daily occurrence, and it reinforces my decision to not go for broke believing in bullshit ass “love” only to end up humiliated, disrespected, and broke with the rope in my hands.

  8. *I wonder how much it would hurt if I ran into traffic? would I feel any pain if I died instantly from being hit by a car?*

  9. “I should end my life.”

    It happens every week without fail, but I’m getting better at ignoring it.

  10. Saving money for the future.

    Currently doing more overtime shifts and longer shifts at my job so I can earn more money.

  11. What it would be like to hit big on a slot machine so I could retire. I live in Las Vegas.

  12. I’m failing.
    I *need* to die. Fast.
    I don’t want to lose any more Weight.
    I’m too tired.
    I don’t know if i have another week in me.
    I don’t know what to do.
    I feel like I’m dying. I don’t want to be alone.
    I want to be a real person, like everyone else, one day.

  13. I should abandon everyone and everything I’ve got in my life and go homestead in the Alaskan wilderness. It’s been going on since I was a teenager.

    I’ll get to it one of these days. Maybe tomorrow or the day after.

  14. Wondering how much technological advancements will be achieved in a 100 years from now

  15. This is a tough question. I really have to think about this one, too pinpoint an exact reoccurring once a week thought.
    I have too many daily reoccurring thoughts

  16. I’m gonna get fired today. No reason. Just “business needs have changed. We’re still a family tho”

  17. What would I do if I were somehow transported back In time into my 15 year old self. I’m 55 years old.

    Could I hang with my parents? Would I be able to be friends with other teens? Gamble on sports? Buy stock?

  18. Did I actually pack my waterbottle? Better question, did I actually fill my waterbottle?

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