Hey guys

Hoping to get some insight. I’m 34 years old, with a wife of 9 years and 2 kids. In 2018 I injured myself on the job and because of covid etc I was unable to get surgery and now it’s been 5 years and workers compensation put me through school and I finished the one year program this last May.

Context I’m not allowed for liability reasons to return my previous career in plumbing. I loved my job as a plumber and it sucks but there is nothing I can do.

Anyways I was given another career by workers comp but I had no say in it. They did pick something that used some of my previous experience as a plumber. I took power engineering and it’s been 7 months now and despite workers comps research there are barely any jobs around…

Anyways I love my wife and my little family and I just feel like I can’t provide my family with the life I imagine. The problem is I don’t feel any passion to do anything. I feel like I’m stuck in this rut. At the same time I know it’s a pipe dream but I would love to have the freedom to spend as much time as possible with my kids and wife without having to drain my life in work…

I know it’s unrealistic but I haven’t been able to find any passion in careers. I’ve thought about starting an online business but I’m terrified to take the leap. It seems I’m also terrified to go work where I could get hurt again.

This extends to my health life and weight gain and other variables. I’ve never stepped foot in a gym I keep telling myself to do things like workout and start trying to build an online business and something keeps talking me out of it.

Anyways I’m looking for some tips for people that have been in ruts with no passion and a whole bunch of procrastination.


  1. Thanks for opening up. I see some signs of depression. Talk to your wife or buddies about it, prefacing it with that you’re not necessarily looking for any of them to solve it for you, but just to listen. Step 1.

    Step 2: you’ve auto diagnosed yourself to a good extent already. You know what to do, or at least start with, but the motivation is lacking. As always, baby steps. You don’t need to get to the gym right away, maybe start with a mandatory 30 min to one hour walk a day for a whole week, and go from there. Your wife can walk with you and help you being accountable / motivate you. You’ll be surprised how much good just walking around can do to your overall wellbeing. If week 1 goes well, then imagine how much more physical activity, surrounded by motivated people can do 🙂

    Step 3. Buy the book Atomic Habits, or read about it online. Good way to build a disciplined routine from scratch. Disclaimer: I haven’t read that book yet but everyone close to me swear by it, so I’m passing the recommendation.

    Step 4. Hopefully by now the work motivation has come back. If not, and if physical mobility is still an issue (either physical or mental), ask yourself what non-physical activity you can do to earn money (assuming your wife and you haven’t discussed that yet). Nowadays with remote work there’s a lot of jobs you can do from the comfort of your couch, even if temporary while you gather your thoughts and actions.

    Step 0 (in parallel with all previous steps): realize your situation might feel unique, but a lot of folks are silently going through a depression of some sort, slowly waking up to what is work, why do we work, are we doing what we should be doing (some form of existential crisis), whether aware of it yet or not. Hopefully this will help you find some solace in knowing there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. Again, not to take anything away from your experience, just but I know sometimes realizing people have been and are going through what we are as well is calming.

    You got this my friend!

    My 2 cents.

  2. Power engineering is a pretty solid bet.

    I relate to the anxiety of feeling I should rise and grind. I’ve also been feeling stuck in a helpless rut.

    Im not sure what to do except fake the confidence until becomes real.

  3. There’s a book I started reading that I think is really good. Its called: “what’s stopping you?”.

    I really recommend you try catch an audiobook on YouTube or buy somewhere.

  4. One book that really helped me was Zero Negativity by Ant Middleton. He is quite a few which could be beneficial to you

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