So long story short, I know exactly what I’m into. However I find it hard to put labels on it, find people with similar interests and impossible to find porn I like…
So basically I am into being dominated and controlled to the extreme and I want someone to look after and ‘improve’ (?) me in whatever way they seem fit. Specifically give me workout plans/ productive things to do/ monitor what I’m doing and like gently nudging me to do better without being overbearing. But it also goes further with a feeding tube and a catheter .. basically I want someone to take care of every physical need I have and use that as a starting point to shape me as they like. Maybe get me ready for fisting, teach me to deepthroat, whip me, whatever you like.
It’s a very vivid fantasy, but again it’s hard to slap a label on it. And I know it’s a fetish, nothing turns me on more, but I couldn’t imagine living that way permanently.

What would you call it?

  1. I’ve heard some similar things referred to as TPE – Total Power Exchange. Basically someone else making all your decisions.

  2. That’s a type of TPE where you also want to be changed to suit your dom’s preferences. I’m not sure that there’s a specific term for it.

  3. You’d make a great match for that guy that posted the other day about liking to Dom people into being better versions of themselves lol

  4. In terms of specifics, I don’t think you find any singular term or classification that really fits all of those criteria.

    At a high level, the wanting your partner to control and direct to that degree falls into the Total Power Exchange (TPE) area. The other specific aspects are things that would need to be discussed and defined when selecting the right Dom or Domme for you.

    The only tags that cross over some of the specifics to varying degrees would possibly be Bimbofication or Dollification, but they’re not really about controlled “improvement” as such.

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