Me and her were so close and I loved her so much in the most platonic way, We have so much good memories together, and I loved her so much. But for these last few months, things changed TOO much/


I always used to text first, which is fine since she was always starting conversations with me irl first.

But then she started going on calls with our other friends and EVERY SINGLE TIME I called her, she declined and after a few minutes I saw her on calls with other people. And when I asked her why she never wanted to go in calls with me, she said that she doesn’t want to be on a call with me (jokingly) which still hurt a bit.


But the thing that’s making me reconsider our whole friendship is that I went months without texting her to see if she texted me first but she never did (but she was texting our other friends every single day). When I did text her since I started missing her, she left me on read and didn’t reply back for a whole week (she replied back with a thumbs up emoji).


I know most people are going to tell me to end our friendship but it’s not easy like that since we have SO many memories together which I really don’t wanna look back and see them as sad memories. Also, we see each other almost every single day since we’re in the same high school. And before she started replacing me with other people, she was my top 1 friend, but now it’s like we’re 2 people who have memories together and are in the same friendship group.



  1. I think regardless of the loneliness brought on by losing this person from your life, you have to reside to the fact you should expect a level of reciprocity and consideration from friendships and this person isn’t able to meet your general need for such. Some people prioritize certain friend/friend groups over existing relationships when they feel there is more to gain.. Usually status or financially. Try not to take it personally. It does not preclude that you’re unable to fulfil someone’s needs in a friendship. This person couldn’t provide a sustainable for one and used you as a means to propel herself socially. Find people who genuinely appreciate your friendship.

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