In school people talk shit about me because I am fat. I guess its banter but sometimes its just frustrating and annoying. I’ve been called it so many times to the point where I don’t give 2 shits. I don’t really have anything to say back to them and just often ignore them. I basically take every insult someone says to me lightly and don’t say anything because I don’t know how to insult them back. How can I just shut them up?

I am actually trying to lose fat right now and eat healthy btw

  1. You need to say something back to them, I used to have the same issue, I used to bite my tongue all of the time and it never got better. You don’t need to be disrespectful or aggressive just call them out and people will start respecting you more

  2. People are just shit, they’ll always have something to say. You’re beautiful the way you are 🩷

  3. (Slightly unrelated but do read)
    I know exactly how you feel because I went through it all. Until the beginning of college I thought I was bullied because of being fat, but no. Right from the very beginning people hated me because of the way I behaved while being fat was just the icing on the cake. I on the other hand completely ignored being annoying as a possibility and just considered the fat aspect. This lead me to mislead myself for years on end.

    I’m not saying you are also the same as me, but just considered other possibilities. I know so many people who are fat but are loved by all because they are nice to other people

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