So, I was doing some online dating and matched with this girl. She is attractive to my standards and we decided to meet up a day after we started talking in person. She kind of moved fast in the conversation, talking about how she was glad I lived close to her and talked about if I had any pet peeves or anything. I didn’t think too much of it, a little weird, but not too much to me. So anyways, the day came for us to meet in a public park. She doesn’t have a car, which is common with the women I’ve been dating, id say a good 60% of them didn’t have their own car like I do, which to me isn’t a red flag, but maybe to others it is. She walked maybe 7-9 miles to meet me from her apartment which she lives in by herself on government assistance she told me. She said she’s on a lot of government assistance and disability assistance, has a flip phone, and all that. I don’t really know what to think of it since I come from an upper-middle class family and never had to worry about those things. She told me she was on welfare once I think on our first date too. She sort of initiated that we go get something to eat/drink cause she walked like 10 miles. Which I was ok with. So we met up, she called her grandmother who I assume is her main caretaker and all that. She said “I got some pepper spray if he tries anything” which I assume she’s been with some less than reputable men. She then after getting some Dairy Queen initiated that we go shopping. So I got her a book and like some soap gift thing. It was all together 45$ which I wasn’t too keen on spending but I’m a very nice guy and I don’t really know how to say no.

That was all the shopping we did and she said she liked me a couple of times and said she didn’t want me spending too much and that I spoiled her. My mother told me no girl ever will want you to spend shopping money on them on the first date who is normal with good intentions. My mother also said that “of all the girls you’ve dated, I’m the most worried about this one.” She says she doesn’t want someone who will drain me and bring me down and she thinks this girl will. She’s a very nice girl and seems almost innocent and has some things in her life she can’t control. I have an autistic brother and the moment we began to talk I could tel she had some sort of disability like she said, which doesn’t bother me, but thought I should point out. I think I might also point out how disgusting her finger nails were… very overgrown and had dirt in them, but that was the only thing that sort of concerned me for some reason. Anyways, she invited me to her apartment today and I’m not sure whether I want to go or not, but I kinda do.

What do you think? Should I just not dare her or see how it does for a little bit and give it a chance?

1 comment
  1. >So I got her a book and like some soap gift thing. It was all together 45$ which I wasn’t too keen on spending but I’m a very nice guy and I don’t really know how to say no.

    So you did a nice thing for a girl that your mother told you wasn’t a nice thing and you want to know if she’s using you.

    Did she say, please buy this, no it sounds like you did it for her to like you now you regret doing it. Let’s be honest it sounds like no one is ever going to be good enough for your mom and I am sure that she hated the last girl just as much

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