Mine is the smell of little plastic cups of red Kola after swimming! Red Kola & chlorine smell together.

And the smell of lots of drying laundry in the big industrial dryer at my care home.

  1. A fireplace in the winter. I’ve been living in So Cal without a fireplace for 20+ years. I miss the smell, the heat, even chopping and carrying wood.

  2. Walking home from school in October when the leaves would be falling and it was cool outside. The smell in the air let you know it was fall

  3. The smell of all the new books and little pencils and erasers that were set up at the scholastic book fair in the library every year.

    The smell of empty wooden desks, stacks of paper and copier ink from the unused office down the hall from the one my Mom worked in. She’d have me stay in there while she worked during some summers. I had coloring books and Lego sets and a really heavy portable TV that I would carry with some DVD’s in it. Sometimes I’d leave the office and go down the hall to the stairs and climb up to the top. The air was warmer and stuffier closer to the roof. Some vending machines on the 8th floor.

    The smell of water from the faucets on the sides of houses that my friends and I would drink from sometimes, even if it was a house we didn’t know the owners of. Never drank a lot or left them running, just drank enough to quench our thirst.

    The smell of chex mix and peanut butter chocolate chip Brownies my Mom would make in December for the holidays.

  4. There’s this smell that cars used to have, I have no idea what it is but it’s like reminiscent of furniture somewhat, I smelled it as a car passed the other day and was transported to the back seat of my dads car back in like 2000

  5. Smell of morning dew when waking up in the morning.

    The area I live in had since became so built up that the mornings are now hot everyday.

  6. The smell of arcades. Everyone knows it, that smell of the popcorn and pizza and the sounds of all the games with kids laughing and playing. I hate that if I ever have kids, they’ll never get to experience that.

    The smell of premix when the older kids in the neighborhood rode their dirt bikes. The exhaust smell of 2 stroke MX bikes is largely gone, except when I crank up mine haha.

  7. That first day of school smell. I’m not even sure what that smell was. Crayons? Pencils being sharpened? Was it the floor cleaner? The gym being freshly waxed? Not sure but I know that the first day of school every year had a very distinct smell to it.

  8. The sort of earthy rain smell just before a thunder storm hits where the light is a little yellow. Think about it all the time.

  9. Reece’s Pieces and chlorine, because I’d always get a big ass bag of them from the old school vending machine at the local pool.

  10. Freshly cut grass and watermelon — and I don’t really care for watermelon. Those smells remind me of summer cookouts and big family gatherings.

  11. Mac n cheese with tuna and peas. Whenever I had that it meant Grandmama got us groceries instead of trusting Mom with the money.

  12. The air on a cold, dewy, autumnal morning in the garden at home.

    I remember it most before leaving for school…

    I loved it.

  13. Cows. Used to go see the cows at the farm all the time when I was a kid and I genuinely enjoy the smell of that cow shit. I never go any more so I never smell it.

  14. My parents had a little pop up camper we took all around every summer. It had a distinct smell i could still remember.

  15. School book fair. Not gonna lie, I smelled my daughters book fair pamphlet when she brought it home. Wasn’t the same….

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