To add another question to the mix, do you think federal legalisation will happen in the near future ?

  1. Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, or Hawaii are probably next within the next 5 years. Maybe North Carolina in like, 10-15 years.

  2. It’ll be a state with voter initiatives IE a state out west of the Mississippi

    These sorts of things are voter led since politicians don’t want to be directly associated with them since they hurt fundraising.

  3. I’m surprised Pennsylvania has made it this far. I assume West Virginia will be second to last (Utah)

  4. Not sure which one will be next, but I can say with confidence that mine will be one of the last.

  5. Federal legalization (or at least rescheduling) is inevitable when more than half of the states legalize it.

  6. I’m not seeing federal legislation in the near future because both parties don’t want to do anything that prevents federal agents from searching your car due to the odor of marijuana.

    In addition, democrats have the extra benefit of being able to deny firearm purchase approval if a medical cannabis user admits so on their application and the threat of confiscation and prosecution if they lie. The same thing republicans used against Hunter Biden.

    In addition to all this, the racist ban against marijuana is so deep in policy with so many agencies I don’t believe these lazy legislators would take the time to remove it without extreme motivation from voters, many of whom stopped caring about federal bans the moment they could buy recreationally in their state.

    We’ll see what lies everyone runs on next year.

  7. Idaho about to be the only state that’ll still send you to jail for weed. 49/50 will legalize it and Idaho will be the one hold out.

  8. Hawaii and New Hampshire have been making some traction in their legislatures, so I expect them to be the next 2.

    Pennsylvania is definitely up there as a possibility.

    A few states will possibly have it on the ballot in 2024, but none of them are guarantees (NE, SD, FL).

  9. Nationally I think it will be 5-10 years out yet but I think it will happen sometime in the next 15-20 years.

  10. Good job O-High-O! ALso enshrined abortion rights in the State constitution and in my community voted out almost all of the Trumpers on the school board and city council.

  11. I don’t see it happening in the next 5 years but Indiana is going to be feeling some heat when every resident is within a ~2 hour drive from a dispensary.

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