Every Sunday about around 9pm at night. I (20m) play hockey, and I always see this girl (19f). I always catch her staring at me. She’s very beautiful too. I was going to ask for her number this past Sunday, but found out she just started dating someone. My question is do I go and ask for her number or just move on? A part of me doesn’t want to ask for her number because I don’t want to be a dick and ruin someone’s relationship. But the other part of me wants to ask, because you don’t know until you try right? If anyone wants to direct me to the right way, please do. Also if anyone has been in the same situation. How did it end and did you make the right decision, or regretted what you did?

TL;DR: this girl keeps staring at me, I like her. Do I ask for her number? She in a relationship already.

  1. Just because you’re dating doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. Lay it out respectfully. That you’ve been interested in getting to know her more and asking her out but also suspect she may be actively dating and don’t want to intrude upon anything. But if she’s available, you’d love to take her on a date but no hard feelings either way.

  2. Yeah ask. You don’t really know. And she can make her own decisions. And if she says she’s in a relationship, you could bow out but tell her to look you up if it ends. In any case she’ll know you are interested, and may hit you up later.

  3. I’m probably gonna get downvoted for this but grab her number and chat her up, don’t flirt with her crazily or do anything like ask her on a date or send nudes. Just talk, get to know her and let it come naturally.

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