Guy number one: he wanted to hook up the previous night, but said he was too stoned to drive so we spent all the following day talking about how we would hook up. He said he was coming out but he never did and then I got irritated and blocked him. He recently message me again saying that he would come out but again never did.

Guy number two: walked past, commented on his cute dog. He messaged me and said he could see my bulge. He said he wanted tocuddle. I told him I was top and sent him a raunchy photo, and he blocked me. He said he was a cardiologist, but when looking on the website, there was no one with his name.

Guy number three: He had no close-up photos. He said I look exotic and we exchanged some very raunchy photos. Then he started ghosting me and I discovered that he deleted his WhatsApp photo and that he deleted Tinder. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was a catfish and told him and he blocked me.

I’m really starting to get frustrated, I don’t know what to do. Is there something wrong with me?

  1. I don’t think there’s necessarily anything wrong with you (based on this post, I haven’t researched further).

    People are flaky. Especially with so many just trying to score an easy root.

    Be somewhat strong in your boundaries and wants.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with you, online dating is just a way to give low effort and that’s what they’re showing you.

  3. ? You are dealing with gay men. Unstable, undisciplined, neurotic, drug-addicted, sex-obsessed narcs. Finding one with their head screwed on is a needle in a haystack.

    Source: worked in a workplace with 7 gay guys for a few years, and no, I didn’t hate them as I’m sure my comment will be interpreted, we were all friends and partied. They would agree with my statement.

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