What is your I’ll forgive you, but I’ll never forget this story?

  1. My ex cheated on me.
    I don’t think she was a bad person, she simply made a drunken mistake.
    But that mistake is something that I couldn’t forget and thats why I broke up with her.

  2. My mum moved 200 miles away when I was 13, to be with a man who convinced her I wasn’t a good child. 20 years later and we have a good relationship, but I’ll never forget how much it messed me up as a kid.

  3. My entire childhood and my parents.

    My Dad’s a good guy at heart but he did nothing to protect me from the toxic emotionally abusive cesspool that is my mother.

  4. Dad leaving. He’s not a deadbeat and I understand his reasoning and custody attempts.

  5. I grew up very poor. My parents did their best financially but stress led them to be emotionally and physically abusive.

  6. There was something between me and a woman, we never had deep feelings for each other as she hates relationships and i knew she is not the one for me

    But we really liked each others companionship and since we also liked each other on a physical level, we started kissing and doing things together on a weekly basis

    Even though I dated and met other women (I always told her I did), she felt like we were at the beginning of a relationship. So she pulled away from me without telling me why, which hurt me since she was my best friend. And I didn’t know what was going on

    After 1.5 months with no real contact only some whatsapp messages, we went to a festival with other friends. I had high hopes that we could reconnect (as friends), but she had no real interest in talking to me and gave all her attention to one of my best friends

    I even told this friend that I was so sad that she didn’t care about our friendship anymore and I had no idea why she was like that now

    But here’s the thing: He took up all of her attention and gave her his entire back (which of course made me really jealous). On the last day of this festival they kissed, which completely destroyed me

    I felt replaced by her and betrayed by my friend

    Now it’s been a few months, I started talking to her again (I cancelled our friendship shortly after coming home) and thats why i now have the knowledge of why she pulled away, but it still doesn’t make sense to me why she did that. I don’t get why she got the feeling that this between us was the beginning of a relationship. I told her at least 20 times that I didn’t like her in such a way, that we are to different in our goals for the future and that a Relationship would be set to fail from the beginning

    So I still wouldn’t call her a friend, but at least i can talk to her again without getting some dark evil feelings, which is important since we have some friends together and so i have to see her from time to time

    And my male friend you may ask, well, I’m not going to throw away 10 years of friendship, but after I texted him saying he can have her since I had lost all interest in her, he simply texted me: “I don’t want her, i want a real Relationship and she just like short things so it won’t work with her. I only kissed her because i got attention from her and that made me weak” i was soooo pissed at that moment

    Like he knew there was something between me and her and a little bit of female attention is enough to do something that could destroy a long lasting friendship? I would never do something like that to a friend even if she would jump on me naked. And all of that while he doens’t even like her that much, just wow

    But like i said i won’t let this kill our friendship but i can tell you if i get a girlfriend some day i will tell him to keep his distance from her at all times or our friendship is over immediately. He lost my trust and my respect and i’m not sure if he will ever get this back

    So I’ve kind of forgave both of them, but I won’t forget that and never will

  7. A classmate from school, he was a bully, aggressive demeaning and actovly tried to exclude me.

    He was a friend of a friend, who got way more leeway for being on medication that affected his mood.

    Later in life he apologised, which was big of him. But I can’t forget how he made my life, which was already incredibly difficult. Much much worse.

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