Gotta love the NHL.

  1. NFL or NHL. Love football, love hockey, and love parity. I tend to follow NFL more since I have more access to Cowboys games in Chicago than I do Hurricanes games.

    I can watch MLB but I don’t follow it as religiously, mostly watch it whenever I’m with my in-laws who are religious Cubs fans.

    I sort of want to watch MLS, but every MLS fan I’ve met is wayyyy too pretentious about it and everyone non-MLS soccer fan is wayyyyy too condescending about it, so I kind of shy away from soccer. Also, the ads on uniforms are absolutely ugly.

    I don’t really watch basketball. Never got into it.

  2. NBA. Pro football means nothing in the South compared to college.

    Basketball’s my favorite to watch, it’s fluid and fast-paced. I find the ballistic trajectories and bounce pass angles satisfying.

    I like that the score is usually high enough to average out individually fluke-y shots.

    I like watching the five players on the floor operate as a single unit, collapsing or expanding the perimeter like two squid fighting.

    I also love, love, love blocks. Give me a block over a dunk any day. The more brutal the better.

  3. MLB is the one I follow the closest, probably because my local team (Red Sox) finally won it all when I was an impressionable ~15.

  4. I’m a baseball guy.

    My mother was a baseball fan, from Kansas City. Her mother took her and her brother and sister to Royals games growing up, many times throughout the summer.

    She moved to California and when I was born in San Francisco she started taking me to Giants games in the summer at Candlestick Park.

    I cherished those family memories and became a Giants fan. So did my sister.

    Now I still take my mother to Giants games at the new stadium, and I just had my first daughter – she’s 5 months old and has already been to a Giants game.

    The simple fact is it’s a low-stress, affordable option for spending an afternoon in the sun enjoying a beer and a hot dog and spending quality time with family.

    Fact of the matter is, it’s cheap, it’s low-stress, it’s enjoyable, and it’s a great way to pass time. A pastime, if you will.

  5. Even as an American, I love to watch AFL when on. Very fun and fast-moving game. It’s easy to understand, too, even if the first time you watch it could cause some confusion, but the base premise is simple.

  6. Baseball for sure. I grew up with it. My grandfather was an MLB umpire. We got to see lots of games growing up, and also got a tiny glimpse at the behind the scenes stuff too.

  7. NHL by far.

    I’d put the NFL and MLB one tier down.

    I can’t be bothered to care about the NBA.

  8. I’m a baseball guy. It’s the offseason now so I am going thru withdrawals. 141 days until pitchers/catchers report to spring training. It’s going to be a long dark winter….

  9. Soccer is my favorite sport but I’m gonna go with the NFL. It’s just the easiest league to follow. I like baseball and basketball and even hockey to an extent but I don’t watch that many games.

  10. NBA, there’s just something appealing about getting up there and giving that rim some serious abuse with maybe just a bit of hang time if you happen to posterize someone in the process. Kind of like a make way for the freight train passing through to bury anybody who gets in the way of an easy bucket.

    That and all the sky fuckers in the league today. The splash brothers and Dame Time specifically but making a defender suffer from the slightest space given with a 3 really has changed the game I grew up watching

  11. NFL because football is my favorite sport. NBA is next because it’s like the kardashians for men. So goddamn petty

  12. College football. Not often counted as a major sport or is sometimes lumped in with professional football but stands on its own as the 2nd most popular sport in America. It’s a big deal for large parts of the country, especially where there isn’t an obvious NFL team to cheer for.

  13. Liga Mexicana del Pacífico (Mexican Pacific League) is the pro baseball league for Northern Mexico, and my favorite league is always the one that’s currently playing ball at the moment. Their season started late October just as MLB ended. Shame about the snakes, whole town was rooting.

    Their closest stadium is a 6 hours drive and they happen to be #2 in the league which is nice. Catch me in a [Hermosillo Naranjeros]( cap.

  14. MLB. Classic Americana and I like the culture a bit better. Fans are less obsessive than football, not as much gambling, more family focused, etc.

    The problem is that the MLB needs to invest more in highschool and college baseball if it wants to grow interest in the sport.

  15. Baseball is far and away number one, basketball 2nd, and NFL 3rd. All the other sports like hockey, soccer, etc, are things I’ll happily attend if someone has tickets, but I’m not going to watch on TV or make it a point to seek them out.

  16. I’m an /r/nba fan. I grew up as a fan of the Detroit Pistons in the 80s during the golden era of the league. I watched my team struggle with and eventually overcome the legendary Boston and Los Angeles teams of the era to win consecutive championships, to be eclipsed by attrition, injury, and the ascending Michael Jeffrey Jordan. My fandom waned a bit in the late 90s in the bully-ball offensive stagnation era, but came back during the Spurs rise and dynasty due to their highly enjoyable style.

    The league is chock full of amazing talent, every team has at least a few guys worth watching every night. And if you’re into drama, the NBA is a 24/7/365 sports soap opera.

    College football is a close second but it’s fading due to the upheaval over the last few years.

  17. NFL, mainly because football is my favorite sport.

    Though I prefer College Football over the NFL, still like both though

  18. College football with the UFC a close second. UFC because it’s year round, and college football because it’s awesome.

  19. It’s definitely the NFL because I’m absolutely delusional about the Cowboys, but MLS is not that far behind.

    I’ll watch the NBA for the Thunder but not much else

  20. MLB.

    I love baseball since before I can remember, and played growing up; I still play softball. I also love analytics so it adds more reasons to love the game.

    During the season, I always have a game on, even if just as background noise.

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