What is your choice of outfit for going to sleep? What factors influence your decision?

  1. big tshirt for comfort and sweatpants since my skin is sensitive and ill most likely scratch my legs in my sleep if i have shorts on in the summer ill go for like a lighter flowier pant if i can

  2. Nothing. Oversized shirts just slide up or get trapped underneath me so it’s annoying and skin tight tops don’t feel cozy and do nothing in terms of warmth so i wear nothing on top. And a while back i decided to skip underwear too because wear thongs every day and my vagina needs to breathe, plus wearing thongs during the night too results in my butt cheeks being kinda sore after a few days. And i sleep alone so it really doesn’t matter if i’m naked or not.

  3. Temperature is my main factor.

    If it’s extremely hot I sleep in my underwear, add a loose tshirt for regular warm weather, socks if it’s chilly, and actual pajamas if it’s cold.

  4. An oversized t-shirt and underwear, or naked. I hate wearing pants to bed, they feel suffocating

  5. Nude.

    If that’s not an option (I dunno, sleepover or sum) then whatever most wore out ugly clothes I have, worn out clothes feels the best!

  6. Loose top (cami, tank, shirt) and loose short shorts or men’s boxer briefs. No bra or panties though.

  7. Depends on the temperature. As standard, usually loungewear pants and an oversized t-shirt. If particularly warm, leave off at least one of those items – just underwear. If particularly cold, switch to fluffy thermal PJs or add blankets etc.

  8. Husband’s old plain tshirts. He’s a foot taller than me so they’re perfect. Husband would prefer naked but we don’t live in the country with no neighbors and we have small feline that sometimes needs a middle of the night snack or was accidently given beef(small children and kittens have the same “mommy, my tummy hurts🤮”)

  9. Depends, usually shorts and a loose shirt unless I’m hoping bedtime cuddle turn to sex

    But lately it’s just whatever feels comfortable enough to sleep, I’m due with my third in December and my insomnia is so bad right now

  10. As many layers as I can. I will have the window open in winter, and then wear a shirt, sweatshirt, snuggie-sweatshirt thing, fuzzy pants, socks, and several blankets. In the summer I wear as much as I can while maintaining a cool body temp (no AC).

    I don’t like being naked when I sleep. I’ll be naked when I’m awake without issue so its not like I’m avoiding that.

  11. Sometimes nothing, sometimes just underwear. Sometimes just shorts, sometimes just a tshirt, sometimes both. Rarely both because I like to be warm and balance out the natural coolness of my apartment with wearing less clothes and having lots of blankets.

  12. I’m currently going through menopause so it varies on how warm or cool I feel in combination with the unpredictable temperatures of the weather in the deep south. But usually I wear a bralette, comfortable crop top, standard underwear of a thong, comfortable & cute boxer shorts, and socks. Sometimes I 86 the shorts and just wear a bralette, crop top, a thong, and socks.

  13. Nothing. Unless it’s cold then baggy t shirt and comfy pj pants. Comfort over everything.

  14. Used to wear T-shirts and boxers (mens ones I bought for myself). Now that I am 30 I love matching pajama sets; they make me feel cute and cozy instead of like I’m wearing old clothes. It helps me feel put-together, and it’s like a bedtime ritual.

  15. Nothing. There wasn’t some huge thought process to it – It’s simply more comfortable than anything else 🤷🏻‍♀️

  16. Usually one of my boyfriends shirts and nothing on the bottom, nothing, or shorts and a small tank top

  17. I wear soft cotton pajamas–elastic waist bottom (with pockets!) with a t-shirt type top. Super comfortable. I have six sets. I bought them at Costco. They’re also comfortable for just lounging around in.

  18. Ski pajama bottoms and a large t shirt. I have to have to have tight cuffed ankles so the pants don’t ride up on me.

  19. Anything from a tshirt and undies , to a sweater and sweatpants and everything in between lol

    Heavily depends on how cold or hot I am. But my usual is pants and a tshirt

  20. Oversized hoodie and underwear if it’s summer or pajama pants with socks if it’s winter.

  21. Right now I’m still in bed wearing a tank top and pj pants. Factors are temperature and whether or not I’m around other people.

  22. My wife wears pajamas. She says if she sleeps in just underwear or nude she will pee herself. Not sure why I felt I had to share that, but I had to I’m sure.

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