As it’s stated in the caption, I(21M) don’t think I actually love anyone. It hit me today. I was having a good day with my partner(20F). In an instant moment, I looked in her eyes and realized that I feel nothing. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and also realized that I do not actually love anyone or anything in my life, not just my partner but my friends, flatmates, family and even myself. It feels like I keep trying to convince myself by making big gestures to prove my love but there is nothing. It feels empty. I don’t feel anything while I’m listening music, playing games, petting a cat, kissing my partner, hugging my parents or hanging out with my friends. It was a thing that I’ve been trying to ignore ever since i could remember, believing its just some kind of intrusive thought. But today I realized it is not. And I feel scared and trapped. I believe it’s unfair for my partner to be together with someone who does not love her but I don’t how to talk this with my partner without hurting her. How should I approach and talk to her about this?

TL;DR: I don’t think I love my partner or anyone in my life but don’t know how to talk about this with her

  1. >I don’t feel anything while I’m listening music, playing games, petting a cat, kissing my partner, hugging my parents or hanging out with my friends.

    So it’s not that you’re not feeling love, specifically, but you feel as though you don’t experience strong emotions in general?

  2. My apologies if I overstep but I think you are disassociating you practically feel numb and this could be signs of multiple mental disorders or that you just don’t feel love. I recommend you talk to a licensed therapist and try and get a diagnosis or if your just not the loving type. I hope you figure everything out I know this can be frustrating.

  3. Talk to your primary care Dr, this sounds like depression and/or a trauma response. Don’t make any rash decisions, clue your family in so they can help you

  4. Do you feel positive emotions towards these people/things but just don’t feel connected?
    What about empathy and being able to understand other peoples feelings? Did you experience childhood trauma or neglect?
    Have you ever talked to a mental health professional about this?

    Tbh I would maybe hold off on telling your partner until you have a little more info

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