Ladies- what’s the most iconic first date you can think of?

  1. I don’t know if it’s iconic but my husband took me on a legit picnic with the basket and blanket and everything for our first date.

    I knew I’d marry him by the end of that date.

  2. I think I had the least iconic. We assembled a fume hood at a maker space. We’ve been married 10 years.

  3. I’ve been in a relationship with a guy for almost two months now. We met at a bar. He wasn’t intimidated by the fact that I had my tattoos and Mohawk on full display. We hit it off, and just started hanging out each weekend. We haven’t really had a chance to actually go out on a date. We’ve met up at whatever bar one or the other was at, at the time. But not a real go out date. We were planning on one this past weekend. But I caught covid, and we couldn’t do anything. He had to go out of town this past Tuesday.

    So, Monday evening, he brought over some pizza, and we sat on opposite sides of my screen door and had a little picnic. It was my idea as a compromise for a date before he went out of town. I thought it might be kind of corny, and he wouldn’t go for it. But he actually liked the idea. He brought beers and a giant cookie as well. It might actually be my favorite date I’ve ever had.

  4. My favourite first date was to a 19th century living museum, where it was entire european towns and villages that had been completely and totally preserved in victorian era. Complete with working stores, working markets, tradesmen, vehicles driving around, hundreds of actors and locals that dressed appropriately. Anyone who walked around the area would think they’d genuinely stepped back in time. They were holding a festival on the day we went and it was so busy and bustling, it was crazy. Like having a first date in 1860’s Europe.

    Tbh the guy couldve been there or not I wouldnt have cared I was just having a blast lmao

  5. I don’t know if this is iconic but this guy took me on our first date which happened to be my birthday. We went to a restaurant on the water, nothing fancy though, and had some beers and lots of laughs. After he asked if I wanted dessert for my birthday and I suggested we go get ice cream. We walked on the beach for a bit after dinner and watched the sunset, then we went to the store and got Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. He was stationed at Pearl Harbor and snuck me onto a diving boat and we sat on the back of the boat eating our ice cream and looking over the water of Pearl Harbor. Totally felt like a movie.

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