Basically, we owe BG over £700. From what I can understand on these bills, the government support money has been calculated against our payments. So, when we have paid 3 x 82.07 and received 3 x 67, somehow BG calculated it against our payments and says we’ve only paid £36.86.

I am in touch with their customer service, and they’re completely useless. I have asked several times for them to give me a breakdown as to why we owe this much, and asked why it seems like the GOV support money has been calculated against our debit payments, but I don’t get any reply.

They’re now threatening to take me to court.

Please feel free to take a look at these two invoices via this link:

I may just be thick, but these bills are unnecessarily difficult to understand..

  1. what’s the credit not for on 12 May for £478.18? You have a missed payment on 21 April for £82.07. So you only made 2 payments towards this bill. Is that correct?

  2. Some of the utility companies sent the government support money back to customers as cash and some companies applied to reduce the bill.

    Check your bank account and see if you had the cash back.

  3. But somethings definitely wrong as I did calculations of every charge they’ve ever given us via what we’ve paid in the entire period of living in that place, and they say we owe ~£750, but as per my calculation, we only owe them a bit over £400

  4. The final reading on 25 April is an estimate. Did you provide a final reading? That could be part of the issue.

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