How do you maintain your weight when working a sedentary job?

  1. Join and go regularly to a gym. Take my dog on a walk once a day. Eat at least half decently most of the time. Picked up hiking as a way to stay active but also get outside on the weekends

  2. go to the gym, go on an hour walk everyday (now that its winter i probably wont be going as much) and i dont track my meals or anything but i dont think i eat horribly

    also depending on your job maybe you could get one of those treadmills at your desk or atleast a standing desk to get you up alittle

  3. 1. Figure out an at-least-mostly-close-ish number for your BMR and TDEE

    2. Track calories

    3. Eat at or under your TDEE

    Go to the gym/”participate in physical activity” etc when you’re not on the clock.

  4. Being sedentary decreases my appetite so much that I lose weight against my will when I’m not exercising regularly. I unintentionally lost 5 lbs from not exercising lately so I’ve been forcing myself to eat more high calorie stuff like nuts and oils, since I don’t eat very often

  5. I eat semi-healthy by always eating at home (very rare I buy from a restaurant), drink only water, gym 4x per week, play pickleball 1-2x per week

  6. I WFH, totally a desk job – and I’m in management, so longer hours at that.

    For starters, I get up and move – often. I think best when I’m multitasking, so even if I’m doing the floors, laundry, midday gardening – I take time to move.

    Secondly, I avoid ‘snacking at my desk’. I’ve been WFH for over a decade, not just since COVID, so I already had better habits in place – more water, sensible meals for breakfast and lunch, and a much lighter dinner – which does wonders.

    Lastly, I use my off time to get outside and hike. Add a few hundred feet of elevation and get the heart rate up before reaching a beautiful vista – great for the mind, body, and soul.

    It’s all about creating a balance between caloric intake and output – not starving or denying oneself something enjoyable.

  7. I walk 3 miles a day and I don’t eat a lot anymore. I also get up and walk SOMEWHERE every 1-2 hours on my shift. I take the stairs and go to the upstairs bathroom instead of the downstairs one. I go to the lounge to get water or wash my cup. I just constantly find excuses to get up and go do something.

    Everything I eat is high protein and small portions. I meal prep all of my meals for the week so that helps me monitor and keep track of what I am actually eating.

  8. Watch calorie intake. There’s no way during a full day of sedentary work that I need 1500 calories at lunch from a restaurant. Only keep small and healthy meals close.

  9. Go to the gym. I go before work every weekday. Its not really about maintaining my weight, though. Trying to be as strong and fit as possible. My weight is just some number, it doesn’t define my health or level of fitness, or how I feel about my body.

  10. My gym is right next to my office. I keep my gymbag I the office and try to workout right after work. My coworkers sometimes join and then we get dinner together. A lot of fun!

  11. I meal prep or else I’d be getting take out everyday for lunch. I go to the gym 3x during the work week, my friend also gave me her old treadmill which has been a huge help. I don’t have kids so it’s easier to find time

  12. Eat less calories or be more active. Usually the former, but closer to holidays then it’s the latter.

  13. Weights before work, walking in the evening. A walking desk might be an option too?

  14. Just read an article about the sitting epidemic and it said 5 minutes of movement every half hour was very beneficial.

  15. watch my portions/what i eat, sign up for workout classes that fine you if you don’t cancel early enough/miss class, and walking pad at your desk if you can

  16. Honestly, for me? Sticking with omad (one meal a day). I literally just don’t eat anything until i get back home- which is around 7 or so normally. I actually dont get hungry since im used to skipping lunch and breakfast. But if I eat during lunch i bloat and my weight goes up. So since i hate exercise, time-restricted eating it is.

  17. working at a desk was a huge reason i gained weight the past few years… after a health scare i joined orange theory, added more fiber to my diet, and ate fewer calories (tracked meals in an app). it’s been about 3 months and i’m down almost 15lbs. i plan on maintaining by figuring out how many calories i need each day to stick to my goal weight and eating around that number.

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