How has 2023 been for you so far?

  1. Amazing, easily one of the best years I’ve had in a while, life literally couldn’t be better.

  2. Horrible to be honest. My mom was diagnosed with a terminal illness at the beginning of the year and it’s caused me to experience the most crippling depression and anxiety I’ve ever had. I’m just trying to take things one day at a time.

  3. So good! I met my partner in April and been extremely happy with my personal life since then. Work, eh, not so much.

  4. Not great. I got sick with Covid on my anniversary and was sick for a month, my nonprofit ran out of money, I lost my job of 27 years last month, unemployment says they’ll take until late December or early January to actually start paying me, and last week I was diagnosed with a heart problem. That being said, I’m housed, fed, happily married and have the love and support of friends.

  5. Terrible! I lost two members of my family due to sudden illnesses. My anxiety got worse. I was being sexually harassed by a coworker. A friend stopped talking to me because his girlfriend told him to do so.
    But, at least, I’m dating the most amazing guy I’ve ever met. And he’s making my year less terrible

  6. It’s been full of increased stress, rising debt, bad burnout, and the death of multiple loved ones.

    Some really cool things have also happened, but overall I feel like an empty shell, and I look forward to ushering 2023 out the door in about seven more weeks.

    (I don’t even put much trust in 2024, mind you – it’s getting hard to ring in a new year with fanfare and optimism nowadays, when the various crises around us just keep getting visibly worse and affecting the way we live. But it’s still nice to have a little gathering and a drink with some good folks, and to believe that this one’s gonna be your year.)

  7. Up and down. Had several really amazing adventures this year. Started new hobbies like CrossFit, dancing, martial arts. Laid off of several vices quite a bit. But my family is really broken, and several members chose to go no contact with each other at the beginning of the year. It’s been difficult to juggle and maintain the relationships, and so so sad to witness. I was also cheated on, which has been some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced.

  8. Not the best but not the worse. I lost my grandmother in March to cancer, was super close to her and considered her a mother figure. The highlight of my year was giving birth to my 6th child in June.

  9. Some good some bad. Good thing is I graduated and eventually got a job but not within my field and it doesn’t pay well but it’s cool. Bad is I moved out of my parents place to move in with my ex, and yep, didn’t work, had a breakup (first) and that sucked major ass, the place we were in was horrid so I moved back in with my parents and am doing a lot better. Still sucks that my life exploded in my face and I should have known it was gonna happen but it do be like that sometimes. Now I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and it’s hard af.

  10. It’s been shit.

    In February, I got sick and I am not better. I am suffering. I am in and out of the hospital. I am in all kinds of treatment and therapies.

    We don’t know what’s going to happen and what the outcome will be yet.

    This entire year almost has been spent in a great unknown and uncertainty of what my future will be or how much time I have.

    All hopes, visions, thoughts, plans and work for my future is all on hold. I don’t know if I will get to it. I can’t think past the next few days right now.

  11. I would say a bit of a mixed bag to be honest.

    One the one hand I get my first job in a new country after a year of searching and the people I worked for are super nice and the work was not too terrible, it was seasonal, 6 months, but if I don’t get anything over winter I can go back next summer. My kids have really settled in nicely now and seem actually pretty happing in our new place. I have made some acquaintances who maybe are actually friends and my partner has been building a base of clients locally and been working doing gardens and little handy man jobs.

    On the other hand – I caught my partner having a 6 month online affair and I’m literally going crazy because of it. I want to sort it out between us but we’re both terrible communicators. Therapy is really expensive and I just am a bit lost with that tbh. I can’t describe how hurt I am and how difficult it is.

  12. I’m still confused as to where my year went! This year went by so fast! But for the most part I’ve made my biggest strides in growing as a better individual:)

  13. Bittersweet. Waited until may 2023 to see a surgeon about my bunions, waited again until September 2023 to get the surgery. Have been off work since then. Coming back to my retail job I’ve had for 6 years. Still trying to figure out what to do with my science degree. If it’s one thing, 2023 taught me hella patience

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