Don’t know how to condense this so bear with me.

New postman delivered a very important letter to the mailbox of a flat that’s empty. A neighbour saw me knocking and said there was a woman in the building who might be able to contact the owners, and that she’d have a word with her. I was getting antsy so I thought I’d talk to her myself. It was only 10 pm so I knocked on her door. No one answered, so I waited a few minutes and knocked again. She answered this time but it was obvious she had been asleep!

I felt so bad and apologised, especially because she said the earlier neighbour had already messaged her and she had gotten in touch with the people who had my letter. She was very nice, and I apologised about three times but I still feel so guilty. I also feel weird, because I’ve been here for years (probably longer than everyone else involved in this story) and barely know anyone, but they all seem to know each other. Drawbacks of being a socially awkward recluse, I guess.

Is there anything I can do to apologise again, or will it make me seem pushy/desperate/pathetic? Maybe I should wait until the issue is sorted out and then go thank them over the weekend? I just know I’m going to keep repeating this interaction in my head all night ugh.

1 comment
  1. Wait and thank them. It can put people off of chase them down to apologize. If you see her again, you could make some polite conversation and thank them for not being mad at you. If she said it’s okay, she’s probably been in your position of making a mistake like that and there’s no need to worry about it anymore my friend

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