All I wanna do is roll over start giving head and begin to ride him. This is usually around 3 am or so. Would that be ok even if he has to work super early in the morning?

What if he doesn’t wake up? Do I just do me?

  1. Talk about it first, all aspects of it. If he’s not conscious, it’s not consensual unless you both have an understanding about what is okay when one of you isn’t lucid. This is considered CNC (consensual non consent). A conversation can open the door to lots of things as well as circumvent some problematic encounters.

  2. I would think as since you are both married it would be okay to:

    A: Talk to him and see if it would be alright


    B: Just do it once in awhile since you are both are married, life is short, and he can tell you to stop if he needs more sleep.


    Just don’t be disappointed if he says no because sleep is a def need haha

  3. Only your husband can answer. It depends on whether he values sleep or sex more in the moment lol. My wife and I went through a hot period where I’d wake up in the middle of the night super horny and start fingering her, and she’d wake up and roll over and I’d fuck the cum that I filled her up with hours before. That shit was hot.

  4. I have the same issue. I wake up horny quite often. I will cuddle up behind him and play with his dick. Sometimes he will get hard and kind of wake up and respond with loans and moving his hips. If he does that – then it’s ON! I will roll him over and suck him then ride him. I have been known to play with his ass – just rub it and slide my hand “all over”. If I do that – he will almost always start responding. Of course I have his permission to do this. Glad to know I’m not the only one who wakes up like this!

  5. Talk about it. My wife and I have an agreement that if one of us wakes up horny, we are free to lube it up and start sex. Worked great for us. She usually doesn’t wake up until she is in the middle of an orgasm, and I often didn’t wake up at all, just woke up feeling very happy and sticky the next morning.

    But we talked about it before we ever did anything.

  6. Imagine if the post was “should I bang my girlfriend whilst she sleeps without asking her consent first?”. No, do not rape your husband, this is a really bad idea. Now if you want to talk to him about this fantasy, see if he is excited by it and if he grants you consent to try first then go for it.

  7. My wife (37mlf) and I (36hlm) have a standing agreement because she often wakes in the middle of the night.

    If I’m sleeping naked and she’s up, feel free to do whatever to/with me even if I don’t wake up. I’ve woken up to her riding me more than once and it’s definitely the best way to be woken up.

    If I’m sleeping with bottoms on it’s a no go.

    I never sleep with bottoms lol

  8. Ask. Him.

    I’d personally be annoyed at getting woken at 3am, as I generally have a hard time getting off to sleep in the first place. Only your husband can answer this.

  9. My wife & I have a “anytime of the night” agreement. If you & he have the conversation & come to the same agreement, all is good!

  10. You should ask your husband lol not us. We don’t know what he’d like, but he would.

  11. Iv told my wife a million times that if she wakes up turned on that she can wake me up. So next time it happens tell him and see what he says

  12. Just ask him if he’s ok with it.

    My husband and I have a standing agreement.. we can always wake each other up.

    But you should definitely make the agreement before you go waking him up at 3am!

  13. I love when my husband wakes me up with sex, I can’t even remember when we talked about it or how the conversation went because it was so long ago. You just need to talk about it and discuss boundaries!

  14. You need to ask your husband. Without consent it’s rape married or not. My husband would love it but your might not.

  15. Ask him. As long as I don’t have to be up early, my husband is always welcome to initiate sex, even when I’m sleeping. Him masturbating in our bed can also wake me up, so the same guideline applies.

  16. My wife goes for it in the middle of the night occasionally. Don’t care how tired I am…it is fucking amazing every time.

  17. Ask him. My wife likes riding my morning wood but that’s when we wake up mutually. I work twelve hour shifts so anyone who wakes me for anything other than someone dying or the house on fire is going to catch major attitude. I’m exhausted every day do not fuck with my sleep.

  18. My husband is the exact same way literally every single night. We have 3 little ones so I’m dead to the world in the MOTN. I gave him a free pass to have at it whenever he pleases even if I’m asleep. I don’t care lol. He always makes sure I enjoy it so I certainly am not complaining and I enjoy being woken up that way 😂 I

  19. Yeah you need to be asking him this. None of us know him, and therefore have any guess how he would feel about this.

  20. I enjoy doing things to my husband while he sleeps so much that it’s probably on level with a kink lol. We have a mutual understanding that as long as he doesn’t have to be up early the next morning, it’s all good

  21. Everyone is different. Myself, if I woke up to a sloppy blowjob from my wife and then her crawling on top of me to fuck me… I wouldn’t be mad at all. Ever.

  22. He will likely love you for it but just check with him outside of the bedroom and just say sometimes I wake up really hot for you in the middle of the night. Is it ok if I grab your d!ck and wake you up for some fun sometimes? He will be like HELL YEA lol

  23. I tried to wake my bf up with a bj one time and he asked me to stop bc he said he felt like he had to pee 😒 talk about a mood killer. Four years later and I’ve never tried again despite wanting to. So yeah, don’t assume it’s for everyone lol ask him

  24. You don’t need Reddit’s consent. In fact, the only consent that you need is your husband’s.

  25. I love when my wife wakes me up to have sex. I’m already borderline about to start my morning wood so it takes her touching me or licking my ear to get me rock hard before she rides the fuck out of me. Best part when she wakes me up she’s so horny she always comes first. As she should!

  26. I’m a lot of a heavier sleeper than my wife and once she woke me up and it scared the hell outta me. I’m half asleep trying to figure out what’s wrong. She’s like, I had a sexy dream and I need to suck your dick. I was shocked since that has never happened before. So, no one is breaking in the house? You don’t need to go to the ER? The dogs are ok? Everything is fine, just put your dick in my mouth.

    Yes ma’am.

  27. Very weird question to be asking Reddit instead of your husband. Why would our answers even count? We aren’t him

  28. Unless you’ve spoken to him about this and he’s agreed that you can do this, do NOT do this. That would be taking advantage. If you’ve spoken to him and he’s said he’s OK with it though, have at it.


    Lots of people enjoy sleep play (somnophilia or somno). However it’s a serious consent issue to start shit while your husband is passed out.

    Get prior consent. If he says he’s into it, then wake him up whenever you want.

    Consent is *mandatory*.

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