I’m a 28F and I’m still a virgin. It’s a long story why but basically I have never had a boyfriend before. I didn’t start dating till this year because I wasn’t ready for a long time. I know I’m late to the game but I’m scared that men will be turned off by me once they find out I’m a virgin. I’m not waiting for marriage. I’m waiting until I’m in a relationship with someone, I can trust him, and I feel safe with him.

For context, I used to be really shy and introverted but I have really improved on my social skills and myself over the years. I am more outgoing, social and fun to be around I think. I also think I’m a great time in my life to meet someone and I feel like my best years are ahead of me.

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  2. If they’re good people they won’t mind, I think it’ll just depend on your personality and how you go about it.

  3. Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone will mind, others will. I just say be weary of dudes who obsess over you being a virgin, telling you shit like how you’re not like other girls or how you’re “wife material” for being one. They’ll also play the long game and bait you into a relationship if they’re desperate enough.

  4. No. Any decent man would wait, and be honored to be your first. Especially because you specifically said you want to trust the person.

  5. You’re fine.

    Men don’t look for reasons NOT to have sex with someone they like!

    Just take it slow, it’s ok to let them know, and have fun!

  6. Some guys will prefer it. They’re probably weirdos with Madonna/whore complexes though so watch out. This is probably not what you’re looking for.

    Most guys will be indifferent. They won’t mind because they’re looking for a relationship and you’ll learn quickly enough to keep them satisfied. You should probably look for people in this group.

    Some guys will not want to start with someone who has no experience. The thing about these guys though is that they probably aren’t interested in a relationship at all so also not what you’re looking for.

    So I wouldn’t really worry so much about it. If you feel like mentioning it, do. The odds are it won’t be an issue. I hope this helps.

  7. It is your body, as long as you are comfortable it doesn’t matter about what others think. I envy the guy you are with though.

  8. I don’t think so. I’m 30(and a guy) and a virgin. Lot of reasons why, lot of baggage I’m still unpacking, but, I hope no one everholds it against me.

  9. I am sure there are plenty that would be, I mean lots want to marry a virgin so yeah they are going to be turned on for sure.

  10. I have personally put a stop to relationships knowing this. Only because I knew deep down there wasn’t enough of a connection on my end and couldn’t be a complete prick to them.

  11. No men will be against you being a Virgin. But they’ll want to take it.

    Be selective on who you share that with. Make sure they make you feel comfortable and safe your first time.

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