The best I’ve received was not to change the pace or anything when I’m rubbing her and she’s getting into it. I initially thought that going faster would make her feel better but I was wrong.

Consistency was key.

What’s the best hack or advise you received?

  1. To last long, use stop and start method, do calculations in your mind while stroking, identify what the other person likes, some needs lot of kisses, some likes kinky stuff, some likes some specific positions.

    it’s hard to identify everything in one meeting

  2. Two things that work for me as a man:

    1. Dont breath fast. Do it slowly and in- and exhale. I dont know how this works but I can last longer this way.

    2. When sex started use the whole length of you penis. All in and almost out (without hurting your partner). When she is about to finish do deep hard and short strokes.

  3. When I get close to cumming I pull out for 10ish seconds. Maybe switch positions, but even if I don’t it helps me a lot

  4. Best hack? Directly asking what the person likes. It cuts through so much guess work, and a lot of people don’t think to do it. Any time I’m about to go down on a new partner (or really any sexual act), I ask them if they have a particular way they like it done, if they usually orgasm from it, and if so, what tends to bring them to orgasm. They want it to feel good, so they will tell you how to make it feel good for them.

    Best advice?

    When I started getting into the kink/BDSM community, they would give a consent talk at the beginning of every event. Because of the high-risk nature of some of the activities at these events, they have a very strict rule about obtaining enthusiastic verbal consent before touching anyone in any way, even a hug or a handshake. More experienced community members who already knew each other, where normally they would already know the boundaries, were still asked to model this verbal consent policy for the sake of newer community members who didn’t know everyone well. The result was that everyone was very comfortable with asking for verbal consent. It felt natural.

    So the best advice is, even outside the BDSM community in normal vanilla life, practice asking for verbal consent. Figure out how to do it smoothly while keeping the flow of activity light and sexy. You don’t have to be all formal like, “do I have consent to move my hand between your legs?” You can check in, maybe say something like, “are you comfortable with my hand on your leg like this?” and if they are, ask, “would you like me to go a bit further?” It will feel a little awkward at first, but keep at it until it feels natural. It will do wonders for your partners’ comfort level.

  5. Communicate what you need with your partner. Whether that’s frequency, specific types of touch, limits or kinks.

  6. Instead of overpriced sex sheets, I bought a waterproof dog blanket that covers the bed for <40€. One side is warm and fuzzy and the other is a smooth ‘cool’ side for the summer. I also use the ‘cool’ side to eat in bed. Saves my sheets. It’s one of the smartest purchases I’ve ever made.

  7. “Don’t be a selfish lover.”

    Told to me by a middle school friend after I mentioned that my super conservative Christian parents would likely never have “the birds and the bees talk” with me.

    I can say that it definitely stuck with me and after my first time I became way better about pleasing her.

  8. G-spot masssage. Regular g-spot massage, even if not to orgasm, can cause a huge change in vaginal response. With regular massage a vagina will become more sensitive and wetter. In my experience and the experience of my friends; sec drive may also increase, vaginal orgasm could become possible, multiple orgasm easier, and likely squirting.
    All females have the anatomical structures but usually it’s “ dormant” it just needs some “waking up” and massage seems to be the way to do that even if not sensitive at first

  9. If you’re going on a date and you know there’s a good chance you’re going to get laid then masturbate before heading out.

    If it’s been a looooooong time since the last time you got laid this will prevent you from becoming a ‘2 pump chump’ and actually enjoy the sex. I guess this is mostly applicable to men.

  10. Yours is great. Mine is to use a condom if you are new to sex or you just cum faster than you like. With my first gf (when I was young) I would cum fast. Then I started using a condom with my next gf and noticed I could last longer with it on, and when I didn’t I would cum fast again.

  11. Somebody on Reddit once said that proper PIV sex begins after the guy climaxes the first time. A simple advice that took me from a 2 minute lame sex partner, to getting tons of compliments on my performance. Changing my mindset from looking at an orgasm as the big finale, to looking at it as a spectacular start, really turned things around in my favor.

  12. There is no right way to have sex.

    You may develop a bag of tricks over time that work with one partner. There’s no guarantee that any of that works with your next partner.

    Learning what your partner likes and taking the time to pay attention to what works for them and when it works is the key to good sex with that person.

    If you’re dealing with women, OMG Yes is a great example of this. It shows a variety of ways that women like to be touched or penetrated and then gives percentages on how many women like or dislike that technique. It’s worth the investment.

  13. something that i’ve realized with me and my bf that might not be so common is very little foreplay before we have sex. we’ve mainly just been heavily making out and teasing each other, but when we actually have sex i swear it’s so damn good every time we have minimal foreplay and that’s something he even agrees with also that it’s some of the best sex we ever have when we do minimal foreplay. anyone else agree with this??

  14. Read the book She Comes First. It will teach you everything you need to know about giving head to a woman.

  15. Best advice I got was focus your energy on her satisfaction. Let her tell you exactly how and what gets her there. And always make sure you get her off first.

  16. 1. When you try something new and she starts breathing differently itself either really good or really bad. A good moment to say the words “are you enjoying that”

    2. Tickle her, remember where she’s ticklish.

    Then, when she’s aroused after long foreplay go back to those ticklish areas and see what feels good. Caresses, kisses, licking, blowing air, sucking, biting etc

    3. And remember, for every action you take on her body, there are three factors. Pressure, Speed and Steadiness. Does she like the kisses intense and slow? Does she like her clit rubber slow and slightly? Does she like it when you finger fast and hard?

    Whatever it is: Keep. It. Steady. For fuck’s sake don’t change it up when she likes it! Yeah your hands gonna hurt a bit. Yeah, you forearm is gonna cramp sometimes. But like, try and keep at it a bit longer.

    Credits to a guy called Alex Allman who has a lot sex advice on a blog or two of his.

    that’s how i gave a girl an orgasm while sucking her breasts and kneading her lower back in what i can only describe as slow-creepy-spider-motion.

    I also gave a girl an orgasm while doing that “come here” motion but on her abdomen right above the pubic bone. Couldn’t do it every time, my fingers would die half way because she had abs of steel. But kissing before would always get her really in the mood and shorten how long it took.

    Point is i never would have figured that out without tickling them. And listening to when their breathing changed. Then sticking to something they liked for A Long Time.

  17. Communication, selflessness and consistency.

    There’s no one size fits all, the same thing that arouses one person may disgust another.

  18. The easiest and most effective hack I’ve ever come across is encouraging my partner to use a vibrator when we’re together. There’s nothing quite like fucking a multi-orgasmic lady.

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