We all know those guys who got more handsome in their 40s and 50s. Besides genetics, what’s the secret?

  1. Imma use my dad for example he’s currently 51 but he always tells me to stack wins he has a routine for everything from skincare to diet to exercising so just be consistent men age like fine wine when taking care of themselves

  2. There isn’t a secret. Take care of yourself in your 20s and 30s. Eat a reasonablely healthy diet, don’t drink too much and exercise, Preferably a combination of resistance and cardio training.

    If all of that fails, you’re probably just fucking ugly. Which in that case do the above, work on that personality, and maybe consider plastic surgery.

  3. I’ve been told that I’ve gotten better looking as I’ve aged. Whether these people were humouring me is something I’m not sure of

    What I do is drink a good amount of clean water, get plenty of rest, eat a clean diet, intermittent fasting, drink white tea or green tea for antioxidants, exercise consistently, and lift weights.

    More specifically, I often eat foods that have high amounts of collagen and gelatin like pig’s feet, cow heel, chicken feet, oxtail, pork spine/neck, etc.

    And a low-stress lifestyle is important. But not so low-stress that you live on cruise-control. Some stress is good as it motivates you to aim high.

    What also helped me is that I did find the love of my life when I was in my thirties. Not sure if this matters but my SO also happens to be a man and he’s an extremely motivated person who also happens to be very chill at the same time. Living with him has done wonders for me because when we first met, he was way fitter than I was. But he always pushes me hard whenever we workout or play sports together. Because of that, I’m fitter than ever these days. Even though I’m pushing 50, I’m ripped with a six-pack and am below 15 percent bodyfat.

    ETA – Forgot to mention that I take HA. That stuff is amazing for the skin.

  4. They’re older and most likely with age comes better job and with that comes some money. With money you can buy clothes that fit and look good on you. You can afford a good haircut and have figured out what hairstyle looks good on you along with facial hair or not. With age comes confidence too.

  5. Never underestimate how much more attractive a mature adult is than a 20 something that acts like a kid.

  6. I found my style and became comfortable with it. I got in the best shape of my life. I wear cologne. I learned how to groom myself

  7. Several things.

    1. I was balding…so if I finally accepted it and shaved my head completely. Look 100X better and more confident.

    2. Started working out. I’m not super buff, but you can tell I lift weights and fit.

    3. Grew a beard. Made a huge difference.

    4. Bought clothes that fit. Ever hear the joke you’re not ugly, just poor? Yeah, that was me. By middle age, I could afford nicer clothes and a tailor.

    5. Went to therapy. Seriously, therapy made me more confident.

    6. Face care routine. Seriously, I have a night and morning regimen.

  8. Stay slim and lean. Take care of your skin. Be interesting and not cranky. Be happy. Track your testosterone levels.

  9. Honestly, other men who don’t take care of themselves start to lose it in their late 20s. Men who have good habits start to shine by comparison.

  10. Confidence in oneself is a big factor.

    Moderation in vices.

    Healthy lifestyle in food and exercise.

    A decent wardrobe and hair style.

    Kindness to others and pets.

    Just being a decent person who is self aware, kind and generous will make one noticeable.

  11. My wife said it pisses her off that she is aging and I get better looking. I think it’s bc men my age get fat, bald and hairy. I’m fit, full head of hair and I shave every few days. That’s enough at my age.

  12. I’d been eating pretty healthy since my early 20s, started exercising regularly at like 26. Drink several cups of tea everyday, and tons of water. Then started hitting the gym seriously at about 35. I’m not even that big, but enough definition. Working on my posture and walking gait was huge. I grew out a decent beard and started paying for top dollar haircuts. I’m 39 look studlier than I ever have.

    Oh and I worked on my confidence, social skills, etc. I think a lot of people’s insecurities and whatnot come out in unattractive posture and walking gait. I think making these changes, changing myself to stand and walk like a more confident person made me more confident, and people treat me better, which obviously adds confidence. I wouldn’t overlook the internal conditioning.

  13. In my case I think it is more that the attractive guys my age got old and fat and I am still basically the same shape and size that I was in high school. So I become more attractive simply because the available options dilluted enough for me to come across as more attractive than most other 37 year olds. I have walked right past long time friends at the grocery store because I didn’t even recognize them, yet the first thing out of their mouths is always “you look exactly the same”. So at least in the context of men my age I stand out more now than I ever did when I was younger

  14. Lifting weights, doing yoga, improving my posture, eating better, wearing clothes that fit and microdosing psilocybin.

  15. I quit drinking and smoking, started exercises daily. I just realized I was driving myself into the grave the way I was living.

  16. No secret, just got tired of being overweight with self esteem in the toilet. I’m a little lucky in that I look crazy young for my age, very late bloomer.. talking 24 ish late. Yah high school was fun.. not.. hated every second of it. (bullies can diaf) I still get carded at 40.. to give you an idea.

    Being a big guy my whole life it just got old, stuck with a diet of low carb, whole foods and leaned up crazy fast. (yay I have pecks!! no more man boobs wtf!! Jeans! WTF are these?!) Going on year 3 or so still athletic and sexy. I’m in better shape now then I ever was.

    Hard part tho is I’m still a fat dood in my head, that one I still have not yet figured out, and the self esteem issues that go with it. Oh well, Rome was not built in a day as they say.

  17. I have found a quiet confidence in my 40s that contrasts to the insecurities and false bravado of most younger men and my younger self. Women seem to find this attractive, well, that and a splash of gray in a well-trimmed beard. These are my best guesses.

  18. at 20 I looked like I was 30.

    Now I’m 28 and I still look like I’m 30.

    Who know’s, maybe I’ll pull a keanu reave in 30 years.

  19. Don’t get too fat.

    Take all life’s experiences and grow them into some real balls.

    Don’t hide your gray hairs. Women go nuts over the salt and pepper.

    Call all the bullshit and bluffs with charisma and they’ll swoon.

  20. Intermittent fasting

    Skin care routine

    Carb control

    More confidence / care less what others think

  21. Had a baby face throughout my 20’s. Finally in my 30’s started looking like I wasn’t a kid anymore. Always worked out and took care of myself though.

  22. I’ve just simply weathered time better than a lot of guys my age. Not drinking, smoking, or doing drugs helped. The very desirable guys my age have either long been married and/or got fat, making me a more viable option now.

    I know it’s shallow, but I get a bit of a lift when I run into old classmates, particularly the women, who were out of my league and “better than me” in school. I was invisible to them. But the look in their face when they see me now, while they’ve gotten fat and I look nearly the same is nice. These were girls who laughed at me or were rude to me back then.

  23. Alright this is just a secret between me and reddit:

    0. Avoid the sun or/and use sun lotion
    1. Stay fit
    2. skin care routine
    3. decent diet
    4. I don’t smoke, do drugs, or drink

    Now people gonna mistake you for 10+ years younger.

    There’s no magic bullet or cheat just consistency to those things.

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