Just thinking about how there’s not been a time in the last decade I’ve not had to use half the roll of toilet paper. Y’all?

  1. Probably the last time i had the flu real bad. Diarrhea and puking hit at the same time and I was not in a good enough mental state to take the lid off the trash can so i just stripped while still on the john and crawled into the shower afterward.

  2. Got food poisoning while I was grocery shopping in the next town over. Got hit by it while I was at target. The whole deal, explosive diarrhea and all.

    NONE of the stalls had TP. And no paper towels because the air driers were a thing I guess.

    Ended up using socks to wipe

    Then drive from store to store until I could find one with TP where I could throw away the underwear

    Haven’t been that miserable again in my entire life

  3. Last decade??? You constantly use a half roll of toilet paper? Dude, you need to get your diet right. That’s not normal

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