I am 20f and not pregnant or at least shouldn’t be as I’m on the pill. Due to lots of stimulation, my boyfriend has caused me to produce milk and I am currently trying to stop it leaking at random times. Though I am broody and its annoying as I don’t want a kid yet as I’m not at that place of life yet. Help? Well I guess I’m asking is this a common issue.

  1. The leaking, does it coincide with a feeling or thinking? When I was breast feeding, thinking about feeding or my baby or being near a crying baby would start them leaking. Need to get some breast pads. Like when weaning your baby off, reducing feeding is the only way to stop the milk production, so maybe stop the stimulation. Pretty impressive though!

  2. How did he accomplish this? What techniques were used?

    And how often are you lactating?

  3. I’d take a test and see your doctor.

    It takes ALOT of work to induce lactation outside of pregnancy with stimulating alone. And it usually has to be done around the clock every few hours on each side. I just can’t imagine even if you were very active he would be able to cause you to lactate.

  4. Ummm go see a dr that’s not supposed to happen even if he plays with your boobs a lot

  5. It is something you can make happen without pregnancy, but from what I’ve read it’s pretty difficult and takes a lot of time and work to accomplish. If it annoys you I think you can make it stop by not stimulating your tits for a while, but I’d kind of love to be with a girl who lactates without pregnancy being involved. I think it’s equal parts cute and hot.

  6. If you’re on other medication (anti-depressants) that can cause this too, definitely worth chatting to your doctor

  7. Hormones are funny things that can do strange (and sometimes fun) things to your body.
    Still, get a pregnancy test.

  8. I was on some mood stabilizer or antidepressant or something in high school that made me lactate. I don’t remember what it was. But certain medications or herbs could do that. Or certain medical conditions. It would require a Lot of stimulation to induce that manually. See a doctor.

  9. My bf was doing this once and said I lactated. I got freaked out. I wasn’t pregnant and it didn’t happen again but I guess it’s possible?

  10. Physician here. Nipple stimulation can certainly create some discharge. But if it is profuse, it would probably be better to go see your doctor and get a panel of tests (prolactin levels, thyroid studies, pregnancy test). It could be a serious issue.

  11. “Galactorrhea” is the name of the leaking issue. Sometimes it’s benign, but it can also occur in the presence of a pituitary tumor that inappropriately secretes too much prolactin hormone. Those rumors are almost always benign (not invasive), BUT….it is NOT worth ignoring. Go see your doctor and ask him/her to order a prolactin level, TSH, pregnancy test and possibly an MRI of your pituitary gland. (I’m a doctor)

  12. Hi. Lactation consultant here. You want to get a blood panel run. People who have never given birth absolutely can lactate and certain meds can contribute to this(certain birth controls, some psych meds, GI meds etc). But it can also be associated with some things going on with your pituitary. Having a Dr at least get a preliminary blood panel is a good idea. Stimulation is the primary mechanism that causes lactation so this can be normal but it is important to make sure everything is healthy and safe.

  13. Take a pregnancy test anyway to be absolutely sure, the pill isn’t 100% even if you take it religiously. Stimulation alone most likely won’t cause lactation, so either something is up with your hormones or you are most definitely pregnant

  14. The pill is not 100% effective. I recommend getting a pregnancy test ASAP.


    That being said, there are instances of women lactating from other hormonal triggers.

    Either way, please be safe and see your doctor ASAP.

  15. Talk to a doctor and consider donating it while you figure this out. There are plenty of mothers out there who can’t produce any or enough but are also unable to afford formulas. I am in no way suggesting leaving this issue unaddressed, go see a doctor for that.

  16. The pill is a bomb for the endocrine system, I wouldn’t be surprised if some imbalance has occurred because of that.

  17. If you are on any other medications, it’s possible they’re the culprit. It happened to me a few years ago, was a rare side effect to a psychiatric med.

  18. My ex’s ex can lactate on demand and has been able to her entire adult life without any pregnancy.

  19. I’ve made two nulliparous partners lactate with frequent and regular nipple play. Hormones were fine, no related health issues for either. It can happen.

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