Is there any reason you wouldn’t tell your manager at your second job how much you earn at your main job?

  1. If your like me your second job is fluff. It’s just there to make some extra cash and not a long term thing. One was a holdover while I was looking for real work and I stayed on a few extra months to make some extra cash. I had one to help get some cash for my wedding. And I had one to save some cash for my then on the way baby. I do not give a single solitary fuck at any second working at any of those jobs. They weren’t my main source of income so they meant less than nothing. Least amount of work I could do without getting fired. Did not care about what they knew or not because the only thing they needed to know is I don’t NEED this job. And if they fire me they’ll NEED to hire and train someone new. Now I show up cause I want to get paid, but don’t ask for nothing special. Your getting an average employee who dgaf. I’m not staying extra, I’m not picking up shifts, I’m not helping other departments; I’m going to sit here and do my work and clock out 2 seconds after my shift ends.

  2. I thought the corporate position was that we weren’t supposed to discuss how much we’re paid with *anyone.*

    Seems inconsistent to me.

  3. Because it’s none of his fucking business. Only HMRC need to know.

    Better question: why would I have a second job?

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