Somwhere close? Or a completely different State?

  1. Nope. Why would I move back to a small town with no opportunity for me?

    Edit: I will note that the closest major city to my hometown was around an hour away with no traffic.

  2. Only briefly while I looked for a good job. Then I found a job and moved to another state.

  3. I stayed in the same county for college lmao. I’ve never lived outside of Los Angeles or Orange counties in my 35 years of life.

  4. Only for a short time to finish some education and get a job, which ended up being in the general area of my college. Been here ever since. Yes, out of state but only about 100 miles away. The rest of my family eventually all moved to this area too.

  5. I moved in with my parents for about a year directly after a college then moved into Brooklyn. I married someone from the same hometown/high school and we ended up buying a house in the same town we grew up in.

    I’m around the corner from my parents’ house.

  6. I did, because I didn’t have any money and the place I went to school has awful weather.

  7. After leaving my hometown and experiencing more of the world, having friends with more diverse backgrounds, I could never fathom wanting to move back. I’m in the same state but in a major city.

  8. Yes, I grew up in San Francisco, went to college in Santa Cruz, and moved back in with my parents for about a year before spending the next nine years in Oakland (basically still the same city), and just moved back to San Francisco a couple years ago to start my own family.

    Glad I did too. I am now a very high income earner and I credit the timing of moving to San Francisco with that good fortune. Startups were desperate for butts in seats and willing to train existing low level employees on highly technical work in order to get staffing help. That’s how I went from being an overnight customer support staffer to being a high level corporate auditor with my own property in San Francisco.

  9. Yes. For 6 weeks. To save up some money and pack my stuff so I could afford to move (to another state).

  10. Yeah. Moved back in with my family after college. Lived there for a few years before moving out for a bit and then coming back after my living situation got real toxic.

    Now I live in a townhouse in a nearby suburb. All of my family is in this area, it’s hard for me to walk away from that. But if I got a good enough opportunity job/relationship wise I might.

  11. My college is only an hour and a half away from where I live. But I now work in the city where I went to college, and live in a small town outside of that city.

  12. I went to college in the city my hometown is a suburb of, then lived with my parents while I hunted for a job after (I graduated in 2020, so the job market was a mess).

    I took the first opportunity to get out and now live in another state five hours away. I like the city, but I don’t want to be that close to home

  13. I did for a few years, while I attended grad school. But since then (15 years ago) I have lived in a different state entirely. My classmates are pretty scattered as well.

  14. No, because I was in the army. Few to zero active duty army jobs in the Philadelphia area, and none for a newly commissioned lieutenant.

  15. Yes, for several years I lived in my hometown. I moved away and then moved back and then moved away for good to a different state about 16 years ago.

  16. The college I went to was only a half hour away from where I grew up. I have never moved back to my hometown. Now I live 2,000 miles away.

  17. We got married our senior year of college and then moved back to her small town of Indianapolis/s. Then 12 years later we moved to my real small town of 4500 people to raise our kids.

  18. Haven’t changed my license or anything but I’m pretty sure I’m sticking in Wisconsin for the foreseeable future. Extended family in Alaska are mostly snowbirds. I don’t want to take the Bar in another state. Closest sibling is military so they bounce around every three years.

    I love Milwaukee a lot more than I ever loved Wasilla, Alaska. If I ever returned to my home state it wouldn’t be to return to my hometown.

  19. I had the option of choosing any major city within the US as my starting location, so I chose Chicago which was over 1,000 miles away from home.

    Left my parents a sentimental picture and an essay thanking them for raising me, then drove off into the night and started my new life in the city.

  20. Left my hometown 20ish years ago for college and only been back to visit. Less and less people I used to know are still there.

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