For context, he was in an out of a 4 year relationship with someone he eventually proposed to. She broke up with him and he’s been single for 4 months. In my opinion, and I’ve already told him this, I think he needs more time to himself but he claims he’s over the relationship. However we always end up talking about his ex in some context and the one thing that irks me so much about it is that he uses her name rather than just saying ex. I think it’s odd because I’ve never spoken to someone about their ex and they say yeah when me and Annie (fake name as an example) were together, she would say this.. They would always just say yeah when me and MY EX.. I’m on the verge of ending things with him because I truly think he’s not over it but he is a nice guy, it’s just the timing is off for him at least. I’ve already pointed it out to him that he does this and he just keeps doing it. I really don’t want to be hearing her full name all the time. Does anyone else find this weird??

  1. It’s very weird and he is very much not over her. I think your gut instinct is right that you should leave this guy because he still needs time to process

  2. ….have you used your words and *asked him* to stop using her name to you?

    I personally see nothing wrong with using an exes name when mentioning them, so if you haven’t actually asked him not to then I wouldn’t read too much into the actual use of the name.

    The frequency of bringing her up is a tough one. Could it mean he isn’t over her? Of course. Could it also be a habit he hasn’t broken yet despite being emotionally over? yes, he spent four years with her, it’s natural that he is used to using her name

  3. It’s weird to me too, my thoughts were like yours, he’s not over her. It would annoy me, lots of people talk about their exes and when they do, you never know if it was the last one or the one before that because they say “me and my ex used to go here” you don’t know which one it was. I’d just get with someone else.

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