What are your biggest problems / frustrations and what are you worried about in/for the future?

  1. I’m at that age where we’re thinking about kids, and with how fucked the world/economy is right now it makes me afraid for the future. My parents couldn’t afford or handle raising kids, they had two, and I had a traumatic childhood where I was hungry all the time. Just don’t want to repeat that.

  2. Biggest frustration at the moment is managing my time to be able to spend time with my kids while trying to find ways to make more money and reach my financial goals. Just trynna balance life.

  3. I feel totally aimless in my life, while I have a good paying job I am very lonely and the idea of becoming more lonely consumes me.

  4. My biggest fear is my wife taking the kids, half the house, and half the retirement savings.

  5. (23) financial future/paying off debt, dating life, moving out, and career setup.

    I can only imagine the horror of going to a school asking full price. Dating life is just hard in the Era in general, and moving out with high rates (where I live) requires buddies or bust

  6. People are getting both dumber and more difficult to reason with. It won’t be long until life become unbearable for those with brains.

  7. Biggest frustration is being thrown into my new position at work with little training. Biggest worry is being lonely all my life.

  8. Getting myself to a place where I have a stable life and not having to have major problems and frustrations like financials or taking care of myself. Especially not figuring out how to be able to do that, and primarily worry about taking care of myself. Pretty much same for future.

  9. I live modest life, save as much as possible, all of this to secure my kids education andmy retirement. And suddenly bang, covid, war, government prints money like crazy and inflation eats my savings. I’m really worried that no matter what i do government will f*ck me up and i won’t have peaceful retirement.

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