So basically I was at an event & there was someone else who I realised – initially I thought he really disliked me but later I realised he’s very shy. We had to – but we could opt out – try some speaking exercises & he left. But some of us inc. me were looking & smiling, trying to encourage him. Now I’m paranoid I looked at him too intensely or something? Cos I’m one of the last people he made eye contact with before he left.

So it’s got me thinking what can I do to make someone with a lot of social anxiety feel more at ease?

  1. Was the event to learn social skills? You mentioned you had to do speaking exercises.

    If they have a lot of social anxiety, you’ll need to be patient. If you can help them practice in a more calm space they will really appreciate it. Try some games too, that’s always easier than straight up practice without rules.

  2. Coming from someone who use to deal with a lot social anxiety, I’d say be friendly and maybe tell him “it’s ok I use to be shy too” probably would make him feel less weird and understood. Also maybe doing something or hanging out in a less crowded space, if there’s a multitude of ppl it just adds to the intensity, other then that the repetition of interacting will help the person get out of their shell and feel comfortable being themselves. Hope this helps:)

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