Every time I’m over at a friends place or somewhere out of the norm for me, I am so beyond hesitant to accept something from the host, as simple as, would you like a glass of water? At the fear of being a burden, why do I feel this way? And how can I overcome it?

  1. You just answer yourself. Just see it as a gesture of kindness instead of being a burden then you’ll be good eventually

  2. I love offering people things! If I don’t have time to make them anything but tell them to raid my pantry and they do I’m so happy they feel comfortable!

    Just start saying yes to the small things like water, and work yourself up to the other things.

    Trust me. There will be STRONG signals if you are feeling like a burden. They’ll probably be happy to see you comfortable.

    Literally, the only person who’s offered me things and tried to make me feel bad after is a truly controlling and manipulative person who is no longer in my life.

    Normal people (even most crazy people) who offer you things, genuinely are being nice and wouldn’t offer if they felt like it would put them out.

    Just start saying yes to the things you want, and try to have some confidence about it! Even if you’re faking. Be sure to tell them you appreciate it if you are worried at all. Stating appreciation goes a long was and most people take it as a great compliment.

  3. What works for me is imagining myself in other people’s shoes.
    If roles were reversed, and you were offering a glass of water, wouldn’t you feel good to get it for them?
    I think it’s nice to have the opportunity to do nice things for people we like and not get rejected.

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