Should I each out to his mom for advise since she knows him best? My bf recently caught me in a lie, the lie is self he says was small but it’s the fact that I lied about it multiple times makes him feel I’m untruth worthy and doesn’t know if he wants to stay with me. I want to do everything in my power to stay with this man but I feel like I’m running out of words. He’s talked to his mother about the situation and she believes he should give me another chance. I feel so lost on what to do anymore, l’ve said so many thing to try to save us I feel like I’m going in circles. We have been only dating for a couple months so I can see his concern with me being untruth full but I wish he would see I want nothing more in life but to love him.

  1. I understand that you’re feeling lost and want to do everything to save the relationship, but reaching out to his mom might not be the best move. It’s important to respect his space and boundaries, especially since you’ve only been dating for a couple of months. It’s great that his mom is supportive, but ultimately, the decision should be between you and your boyfriend. Focus on showing him through your actions that you’re committed to being honest and trustworthy, and give him the time and space he needs to make a decision. Good luck!

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