I’m a 22m and I got a date soon. Didn’t think ab it till a couple days ago about the car I drive. It’s a minivan and I’m a lil embarrassed ab having to pick her up in it. I mean it’s not forever of course and it’s really only here for this year of college but it still sucks that I gotta think ab shi like this. I mean Ik if she materialistic ab those kind of things she’s not the typa woman I want anyways but damn I kinda like her. Hate that you gotta worry ab shi like this as a guy in this day n age but I can’t really help it. I’m kinda jus tempted to jus tell her to meet me there but its later in the day and would hate to have her out like that driving late. On top of that she might think I’m trippin for not picking her up on the first place. Really jus came here to rant🤦🏼‍♂️

  1. I remember taking my first girlfriend out in my sister’s old 1991 Volvo 940 with a taped air intake hose and broken AC, in the summer.

  2. Hey man, I get it. Sometimes we worry too much about what others think of us, especially when it comes to things like the car we drive. But here’s the deal: if this girl is judging you based on the type of car you have, then she’s not worth your time. You said it yourself, if she’s materialistic about those things, she’s not the type of woman you want. If you like her, just be honest with her and pick her up in the minivan. If she’s a decent person, she won’t care about the car. And if she does mind, well, at least you found out early on. Best of luck on your date!

  3. Bro youre 22. Having a whip is better than not having any whip. Like you said its not your forever car so dont worry about it too much. She should be there for you not for your whip though like you said, this day and age ppl tend to care about material shit. Just go out and show her a good time. Thats what matters.

  4. Just let her know it’s a temp ride with a small, self deprecating joke. “The old shaggan wagon gets me from point A to B but I can’t wait to get myself an XYZ when I graduate”. She will laugh (maybe a different joke but something along those lines) and know it’s just a temp ride. Or just tell her your Ferrari is in the shop getting a 6” lift on 44’s and this was the loaner. It’s just a car, and it’s ok to not love it at your age

  5. My brother (middle age with kids) drives a 100k pickup and his wife drives a 60k minivan. He says the minivan is amazing to drive and he loves it, but is happy the windows are tinted lol.

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