Hey all I (25f) have been with my bf (25m) for over 3 years now. The first year of our relationship was open and I had SD arrangements. After a failed 3rd who cheated on us we decided to close the relationship, so for the past 2 years we have been monogamous.

April 20th of this year I had blood work done and had high white blood cells and neutrophils. I had had blood drawn before that on Feb. 28th and all my work came back normal. Because of the April appointment I set one up with my gyno for june and no wonder my WBC were high bc I was FIGHTING OFF CHLAMYDIA.

I’ve seen online where it can be undetectable for years but what are the odds that that’s me when I had clean blood work 2 months before? My bf was kind of shady around this time but I have no proof. Now rookie mistake, this was the 1st time I was tested since me and bf got together.

Online says it can take a week to a month to be detectable so is it more likely I had this from hookups only to be not found later? Or is it more likely he cheated? If he cheated, what would be an accurate window of dates that this could have happened? Thanks in advance!

Also if you’re wondering yes I got meds and got it cleared and he got meds too but never got tested. They just went ahead and gave him the meds since his long term partner was infected.

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