So I (39m) have cone dystrophy and can’t see well enough to drive anymore. It’s a hurdle , but not that bad I see 20/80 currently.

My question is how might I mention this in a profile to help stimulate conversation? I don’t want to leave why I don’t drive up to peoples imaginations, had people think it was a drunk driving thing(I don’t drink!).

  1. Plenty of people don’t drive. If you live in a city with at least semi-decent public transportation, no one you meet will care (unless they live in the suburbs). If you don’t live in a city, it may be more unusual.

    I am going to assume that you have other ways of getting around. I would mention it casually when transportation/logistics come up. E.g., “I don’t drive due to medical condition, but I have no problem getting an Uber.”

    The right person is not going to be bothered by this. It might cut your dating pool a little bit, but they don’t sound like people you’d want to date anyway.

  2. I don’t think you need to mention you don’t drive in your profile. A lot of people don’t drive, for many reasons. I myself don’t drive! Nobody has ever assumed it’s because of drinking. I just grew up/lived in a city with decent transportation, and then rideshares started popping up, so I only just recently started the process to get my license. Like the other poster mentioned, you can bring it up when you coordinate a meetup. And if they aren’t okay with it, then like thirtyzone said, they probably aren’t someone you want to date.

  3. No need in your profile, “I’m almost blind” is not an exciting line for your profile, keep things positive.

    Should bring it up on the first date or in pre date conversation though.

  4. Um maybe a bad joke? “Currently seeing 2 10’s. Looking for the 8/10 to make my life crystal clear”

    “To clarify, I’m talking ab my sight”

  5. I think this is very dependent on where you live. I live in a rural area and to me it doesn’t matter why you don’t drive, I’m not willing to take on the burden of always driving. While I prefer to drive myself most times, I don’t want to be expected to and here it’s pretty much a requirement that you drive to get anywhere.

  6. In a similar boat man, have keratoconus so the halos I see from the lights of cars and street lights at night means I tend to not really like driving at night. It’s a safety thing so my partners have never really cared so much, infact it can be noticeable to I don’t think they’d want me to drive at night with them in the car anyway. I try to share the load in other ways though. If the events gonna finish late I’ll probably put in the work to organise it or pay for tickets, petrol food etc.

    Two things to remember though are:
    A. By the time you guys are driving each other you’d probably have this well known and
    B. If you’ll be drinking Uber is probably your safest bet regardless

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