I have been engaged to my fiancé for a little under a year, we’ve been together for 6 years.

We have always been long distance, where she lives in London, and I live in Bristol, so we are about 3 hours apart. We both work 9-5s, Monday-Friday , so our only time we can realistically spend time together, is on the weekends. Which we always do.

I own my 2 bedroom flat, whereas she lives with her mother (68) and has always has lived at home with parts besides from university. A key event was the unexpected passing of her father last year. So her living at home for the time being helps her be ‘there’ for her mother. She has an older brother who lives about 30 minutes away with his wife, but he may only pop around once a week to see their mother.

So for the few years before her father passing, our general/agreed plan was for her to move in with me, and she had even applied for a few jobs, and worked a couple shifts in the area, and got offered positions, but felt they weren’t quite right so turned them down. She had also looked into buying her own place near me, as her parents had at the time set aside money for a deposit, and she wished in her own way to get onto the housing ladder. Which we could then live in together, and rent mine out.

Obviously these sort of plans went completely on hold after losing her father, and it wasn’t really spoken about for a while. But now, a year and a bit later, we are both feeling weary about not living together, and want to put a stop to that.

However, she is now adamant that she does not wish to live far away from her mother, meaning that we are stuck trying to buy housing in London, which we can’t really afford to do.

I feel frustrated, because we were close to having our lives unified, and now it feels further away. I’ve said that I’ll move to London if necessary, but expressed my disappointment that we cannot take the simplest option available to us which immediately available. It feels like nothing will get done about it, and we’ll spend years more just seeing each other on weekends.

Would I be right to insist going with the original plan, or should I concede that we have to live near her mother despite it being a few more years before we can afford to do so?

1 comment
  1. It’s completely understandable that you feel frustrated and disappointed about the situation. However, it’s important to consider your fiancé’s feelings and the impact of her father’s passing on her and her family. It’s a tough decision, but compromising and finding a solution that works for both of you, even if it means waiting a bit longer, might be the best approach. Communication and understanding are key in navigating this kind of situation.

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