For example, I hate as a man that I have to show anger to show discomfort or to be taken serious. I’m a polite guy and I’m not angry person, however there plenty of times where when I have said no, I’m not taken serious unless I’m angry or if I raise my voice.

  1. There’s nothing. Even your examples don’t ring true. I can use my words like an adult to put my point across. The only reason I raise my voice is when dealing with bullheaded shittyness (the scientific term) but that has nothing to do with me being a man.

  2. At Thanksgiving, for some reason my wife’s family divides by gender, all the women go cook and all the men watch football. I hate football so much. I don’t like cooking much either but god, it’s so boring.

  3. I don’t do shit I don’t feel like doing.

    However, I feel like there are things engrained in my that I question. I find these are cookie cutter man things I don’t even realize I do and feel brainwashed.

  4. Hiding that i cry. I do it in private when no one is around. It isn’t healthy to suppress your emotions

  5. Grill. In fact I’ve stopped doing it because I was sick of it. But when I did, I couldn’t fuckin stand it.

  6. The fact that I have to make the first move.

    It would be a nice change of pace if women approached me instead…

  7. It doesn’t matter what you hate. These aren’t clothes that you’re free to wear, these are social cues. And with social cues, you’re depending on other people’s reaction wether you like it or not. If you’re not angry, people won’t understand your discomfort. You can say fuck society, I express it how I want, cool but keep in mind your point won’t come across. I’m not even angry but I fake it and it works like a charm. This is a lesson that I learned growing up. Speak to people the language they understand, if you don’t need those people then don’t speak to them at all. And btw, this isn’t a men thing only, it goes for everyone. If you’re not showing that your discomfort has the potential of creating an uncomfortable situation for everyone, nobody will care, because really who gives a fuck about your discomfort our anyone else’s? But with anger people will go “oh I don’t want this unnecessary quarrel, I’ll just leave him alone”. I find this a newer generation issue where people assume compassion in everyone and think people just naturally care and conveying it to them with words is enough. Absolutely no, I give zero fucks about you, as long as you’re not potentially threatening my peace of mind, your gentlemanly quiet “no” doesn’t mean shit.

  8. Not being able to show emotions without being judged or made to feel guilty for having them.

  9. I hate that in order to be taken “serious” by women or be seen as the crème of the crop by other men, that you kind of have to be an asshole and mean.

    Like, I can fake it til I make it to a certain point. Like I genuinely do not have an inherent mean bone in my body, but people like assholes for some reason.

  10. Having to be a success object and be the “breadwinner” in most relationships. There are exceptions to every rule but in general, most women look down on men who make less than them and expect their husbands to make more than them or at very least equal to them…for example, if you’re a man who makes minimum wage, you’re not going to attract a high-quality partner, it doesn’t matter how good looking you are…but an unemployed, average looking woman can marry a man who will take care of her financially, and never expect her to be the breadwinner or be career motivated

    I guess it’s just the thought of knowing that as men (IN GENERAL) we are seen as success objects and we can never fully let our guards down…if you slip up for too long, you’re useless to most women…it’s exhausting but that’s just part of being a man I guess

    Equality in 2023 is very one-sided lol

  11. Man, I gave up on doing things because I’m a man.

    I do what I want and don’t offer an explanation.

    They can think what they want and it doesn’t bother me.

  12. If you habitually fly off the handle over every annoyance, no one takes you seriously, “oh he’s always like that” but if you’re the quiet guy who let’s the little things slide, they’ll back off and pay attention on the rare occasions when you do get up on your hind legs.

  13. Having to entertain conversations about sports just because I’m tall and black. I just don’t care. I’m just a big nerd.

  14. Being circumcised, especially trying to explain to people why I think it’s wrong.

    Stop trying to debate marginal health benefits, it’s a bodily autonomy and consent issue.

  15. I hate mowing the lawn. I hate having a lawn so I’m not gonna pay someone else to do it either. But I love my animals so I need a lawn.

  16. Poker player, and know how to get to the top socially.

    You can’t make a meaningful project without raising money or other kinds of commitments (in or out of an organization), and you can’t raise money if you don’t crack how society and humans work. Man I’m a scientist, not a politician. I’m here to build better machines, not convince people to let me build better machines. I’m doing it anyway of course, but urrhhh…it’s bending my calling!

  17. Work manual labor jobs. You know how much I would love to sit at a desk and answer phone calls or do some paperwork at like a doctors office or something and still make a livable wage? You have no idea. It’s hard to get those jobs as a man. I can find manual labor jobs all day though. I hate that people think being a man means you should just go work at a fucking rock quarry or mine or something. Also, anything mechanical is just irritating to me. Throw every individual piece of a car in a pile and I’ll build it from ground up. But I don’t fucking want to anymore. And now that my job history is full of manual labor and mechanical BS, I can’t get a job outside of those two fields.

  18. I hate/am scared of learning how to drive, but I’ve learned the hard way that it’s even tougher to date when you’re a guy who can’t drive…especially when you’re in your 30s like I am. Many (if not most) women refuse to date guys who don’t drive. I’ve had a few women fade on me after I admitted I can’t drive. Additionally, you can’t go as many places with public transit as you can by driving, public transit typically doesn’t run late at night, you have to wait in the elements for your ride to arrive, and ride-sharing services can get expensive in a hurry. So in the meantime, I’ve been practicing driving almost every weekend with my dad.

  19. Having to care and compromise a little more because of how others feel about what I feel when I actually decide to open up.

  20. I can’t joke around the way I want to because someone would take it serious or see it as a weakness in me, they’ll look too deep into the joke or use the opportunity of me finally opening up to throw me under the bus.

    For example, I can’t make a joke where I am the butt of the joke even if it’s funny because everyone will use the opportunity to pile it on

  21. i’ve realized how flippin massive people my height are to people my wife’s height because i met a large man who made me feel like a 5’2 asian girl

    so y’know, making my voice always calm, appearing nonthreatening. “hey i am not going to beat you up. I know i look like i will but i will not’

    and what women dont get, i think, is that we’re terrified too, no matter how big. Most of us would be overwhelmed by as little as 2 generic guys

  22. Manual labour jobs or jobs with irregular hours. At least the money is great, but I feel like a social alien. Pretty women don’t realise how easy they have it, being able to work a chill admin office job, comfy chairs and being able to dress up.

  23. Nothing. I do what the fuck I do…cuz I’m a man.

    A “man” doesn’t posture “manliness”

  24. My girlfriend (and many others I assume) subscribes to the idea that some foods/drinks are for men while others are for women. For example, she thinks steak and burgers are men food while a salad is dainty and girly.

    I recently shared a tiktok with her of a girl making fun of a guy for getting a frap from starbucks instead of just a black coffee and she agreed with the girl but she also understands that fraps are good and people, including men, deserve to drink whatever they want. I hate beer and I usually go for fruitier drinks and she comments often that she doesn’t drink a certain thing, like whiskey, because “it’s for men”.

    Anyway, my point is that I want to enjoy whatever I want without being made to feel less manly.

  25. What I’m going for a walk at night, walking at a fast pace and I have to cross the street to stay away and not startle someone in front who’s not walking as fast so they don’t worry about me, the guy the size of an average NBA player being around them.

    Or having to just completely stop walking to increase the gap.

  26. I don’t like getting silenced, gaslit and my reputation smeared when I just want to talk about issues men face.

  27. To be strong (emotionally) at all times. I’m a human not a robot. I have emotions. I don’t get why I was looked down upon just because I show a moment of weakness. But whatever. Just proves I can never show weakness in front of anyone even if they say it’s ok to do so.

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