is this okay to say to my friend? it feels like shes been acting more distant lately and im not sure if I did something or if she just has something going on. I know shes been busy with school and work, but she’s been busy with school and since I met her but nows its different and idk what, I think I’m just overthinking it but idk I feel like somethings wrong idk

“i know your sleeping rn and have been busy with school and your internship and stutf but is everything okay, m just asking because it feels like you’ve been acting differently lately idk, maybe im just being delusional lol(this part is just because of an inside joke we have). sorry if im wrong”

but is this okay to ask/say?

  1. I might wait until daytime if you guys are just friends, although I don’t know what your norms are together. You don’t necessarily need to show that you’re wondering if you did something wrong; it could come off as neurotic, and in any case people can have so many reasons for becoming a bit distant; it definitely doesn’t mean that they don’t value the friendship or that you did anything wrong.

    Just keep it simple and let her know you’re thinking about her.

    Are there any other feelings between you two?

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