(This might be kinda long) About a year ago i started a long distance relationship with this guy, everything was really cute and perfect at the beggining we had the same goals for our relationship (honesty, communication, trust, etc) but all of a sudden and going more progresively as the time was passing by his attitude towards me started changing, until the point that sometimes he told me the “truth”.

Imma list some of the things and excuse me if im venting out… its just idk what i can do (things that i had told my friends and even then were “😐🀨” about it)
1. We come from very different backgrounds, so.. for me it was very important to know more about him (like culture, traditions, etc or knowing the other person more), i told him and he was ok with me knowing more about that; but whenever i used to tell him to come here and do stuff from where im from or traditions or something thats important to me, he directly says no and changes the topic quickly
2. Sometimes he has anger issues. When i told my friends that, they were kinda worried bout me. I remember this one time that he just started screaming at me just for asking if he was ok, or sometimes whitout even a reason, or when i talk with him about “fixing a problem” he gets mad and tells me theres nothing that need to be fixed
3. I feel like he doesnt lemme “speak out my mind”. For example one time i didnt told him how i felt, instead i told one of my besties, but he acted very concerned and told me that i should tell him next time, that my feeling are validated…and the next time i decided to told him just to hear “are you gonna cry about that?” “Are you talking about that again?” “Grow up”
4. He has a physical affective language (hugs, and kisses and cuddles, but cuz of the distance we can not do that) and for me i like the same things too i get more into feelings like “have u eat yet?” “Are you doing ok babe?”, and even for those questions he got mad at me cuz i was “caring” too much about him and he wasnt used to be “cared”
5. When we talk about our dreams and goals that we wish to achieve, i listen to him and understand that its important for him to do those things (like having or getting/do something) but when i tell him what my goals/dreams/wishes are.. he finds something about them to say no at the end, like even the simplest things, he doesnt wanna listen to me πŸ™ and idk how am i supossed to feel
6. When i said “the truth” earlier, one time i asked him “why are you changing the way you act with me? Like nowadays you act more cold and careless.. did i do something that caused this?” And he just said “ohh i acted different at the beggining cuz i thought you were gonna go away.. i was just securing the bag(?”. Or like at other situations, when he doesnt like the way i express myself, or the way i talk sometimes, or he tells me im just annoying/tiring him with “bullshit”
Sorry again if that was too much lol

But continuing, i dont know what i should do or how am i supossed to talk with him without making him mad :c, some of my friends told me to break up with him, but for me they said it because its easy…what is not easy is cutting the bond you have with that person πŸ™ (we are both each other’s first boyfriend, and since minute 1 we started talking we both felt this connection that we knew before lol like… it was magical :”) but now idk what happened to him πŸ™ or what should i say to him besties? I still love him and care for him cause of course i have a lot of strong feelings for him + a lot of good memories. He says he loves me too but 5 minutes later he acts very dry and careless again.. or he tells me he is gonna change the way he behaves (trying not to get annoyed, listen more, be more affective and not careless, or that he will stop getting mad at me without a reason…) cuz he self exams his attitudes, and then he feels bad about it, and it breaks my heart see him like that πŸ™ what should i say besties?

1 comment
  1. Btw i forgot to say it and i think its important (cuz i saw it on other posts lol) im a M20 and he is a M22

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