My gf and I have dated for 8 months. She used to drink and smoke but was a very smart college student (like me.)

Week 2 of us dating, I was at home while she went to like 5 bars and got hammered with female roommate. That same night, she gets a DUI, after crashing into and breaking the parking structures “pivoting bar” aka boom barrier (that allows cars to exit.)

The night of the DUI, she slept with some guy in her backseat—and later admits to it and claims that it was just a drunk mistake, and then later calling it rape.

After giving her the benefit of the doubt, on the 7th month of us dating, she starts secretly texting her friend that’s a boy and tells him how controlling I am, and he tells her she gives the best head. And all this knowledge I got because she admitted to it all.

Finally, 30 days of secretly texting this guy, I had ask her if she’s cheating on me because she was overly in love with me (psychotic like love). She tells me that she’s “god” and then I start saying to me:

I love you, “other guys name”…

This girl ruined everything we had at that moment… and she becomes really pathetic and psychotic. She began to say
“ I look at you and all I can see is “other guys name””

I was worried soo I told her parents and they took her to a hospital to get treated for 7-30 days. (Psychiatrist care facility)

Now my question is if I’m willing to drop the whole thing and get back with her, will she love me like she once did —ever if I play tough and don’t show any part of me cares about her?

And should I schedule a visitation to see her at the mental institution (as a guest?)

P.S. I love her to death because she helped me change from being an addict to becoming a D-1 athlete and realtor.

  1. You ever hear _dokt stick your dick in crazy?_
    This is one of those times. She needs help but the harm she caused you is too great. Trust broken. I don’t think you’d ever be able to look at her like you did back at the start

    The choice is yours but the answer seems clear

  2. Dude. No offense but are you stupid? I don’t even have any advice I just want to know why you’re still in this “relationship”. Respect yourself

  3. Never feel obligated to continue a relationship like this. By all means remain friendly and visit if she wants that, but do not pursue anything beyond friendship while she is under psychiatric care. Give it time and see how things go later.

  4. Just some advice do not go visit her and break up with her while she’s getting treatment. This is not ok w a person that’s committed for mental health.
    If they’ve made any progress at all and you tell her I’m breaking up with you it could cause even more damage and abandonment issues and set back treatment.

    I’d first talk w her parents to see if she even mentioned you visiting or what their thoughts are.
    If you feel comfortable w them tell them you were going to break up w her before she went in and how best to handle it. If they ask why be honest.
    My wife had to be committed for a while and they told me whatever I did do not give her any bad news (which I had none) or talk about anything negative while she was there because it could cause more damage and prolong treatment.

    If you abandon her when she gets home w NC it could be traumatizing for her.
    If you care for her at all you won’t want to hurt her and her treatment even though she cheated etc.
    Mental illness is a helluva thing and anything could set it off and set her back a long time in her treatment.
    This is a tough situation to be in but don’t make it worse for her.
    If you must then wait for her to get home and I’d wait about a week unless she calls you first. Then go see her and gently break it off.
    Best thing is talk to her parents

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