Hello, im from norway and I fell in love with jamaican cuisine, but we dont have such places here so I decided to open my own. What i need is a chef with jamaican cuisine experience to Come either work full time or 2-3 month to help with the menu. I heard that the jamaican community is big in the uk and its not so far from norway that i would try to find the chef in uk. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here it goes.
Appreciate all the help and guidance i can get 🙂

  1. This sounds very pricey. You’re going to have to find someone out of work or pay them extra to leave their work, pay for their accommodation (as it’s so short it’s unreasonable to expect them to not give up where they are ATM) and visa stuff and then pay them wages.
    All that said, good luck!

  2. Sounds like bullshit, no real business owned with hundreds of thousands on the line goes on Reddit to ask where to get the chef

  3. Best bet is ask around the markets in Brixton or Harlesden. Jamaican food is huge in London, so you’ll find someone keen for an adventure in Norway!

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